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  • Railtex 2017

    Railtex 2017

    Railtex 2017, the 13th International Exhibition of Railway Equipment, Systems & Services took place 9 - 11 May 2017 in the NEC, Birmingham and had 10,000 industry experts who attended the show over the three days at the NEC.  Visitors from over 50 countries took the opportunity to do business with many of the 475 exhibiting companies present, including engaging with the IET. As the IET is a key sponsor of Railtex, our stand  (T05) was bursting with people discussing the  IET, Professional Registration Advice, Membership Advice, information on the Railway TPN and the Railway Events and Conferences.  I would like to give a huge thanks to the Railway TPN Exec Team for helping out on the day and giving  this advice - Bob Wilson, John Easton, Chris Marshman, Crinella Pislaru and Richard Allen. …

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Next Gen Rail is rolling into the Steel City on the 27 & 28th June 2017

    Next Gen Rail is rolling into the Steel City on the 27 & 28th June 2017

    Following the success of the last four years, The University of Sheffield’s Transport Innovation Centre Sheffield (TICS) and industry partners are organising the 5th Next Generation Rail Conference, to take place in Sheffield on 27 June and 28 June. Who’s it for? Next Generation Rail is attended by 200 of the brightest PhD students, early-career researchers, young rail professionals and apprentices, in order to promote interaction between tomorrow’s rail leaders and educators.   -- and here's something if you wanted to promote it to companies to join- How can i ndustry  get involved? Want to come and meet some of the brightest young minds in the sector? Here are a few options on how to get involved- Of course, you can recommend the event to your young colleagues! Book an exhibition stand space…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Introducing Turing Talks - 13th June 2017

    Introducing Turing Talks - 13th June 2017

    On 13th June the Turing Trust is hosting its first ever conference,   Turing Talks ,   at the National Museum of Scotland.     This conference will assemble professionals who are passionate about   making change happen   through the use of   technology . We have a fantastic lineup of speakers from a wealth of backgrounds who will be sharing how their work in tech is   disrupting   traditional approaches to development.     Not only will the Turing Talks be a fantastic event for bringing together individuals who are keen to learn about   how technology is changing health, education, energy, and finance   but it will also help the Turing Trust continue its far-reaching work in sub-Saharan Africa.     Turing Talks is hosting representatives from   IBM , UNICEF ,   Microsoft,   Barclays ,   the…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Invitation to join the IET / HVMC 2017 Horizontal Innovation™︎ SME funding programme

    Invitation to join the IET / HVMC 2017 Horizontal Innovation™︎ SME funding programme

    8:00 – 10:00am Thursday, 25 May 2017 at AFRC, University of Strathclyde, Renfrew It’s our very great pleasure to invite you to the launch of a rather special initiative. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) will be announcing details of a major funding programme for UK SMEs. This latest initiative follows the success of a pilot programme in 2016 involving the IET and the Manufacturing Technology Centre, one of HVMC’s seven centres, which attracted over 40 SME applications for healthcare solutions inspired by Horizontal Innovation . We would very much welcome your attendance and do hope you will be able to join us for a special breakfast presentation taking place on Thursday, 25 May 2017 at the Advance Forming Research Centre (AFRC…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • LAPC 2017 - Call for Papers Deadline

    LAPC 2017 - Call for Papers Deadline

    As you may know the IET had taken over organising of LAPC and the deadline for the Call for Papers is fast approaching.   The deadline is Tuesday 30 May 2017, for more information on submitting a paper please visit the website:   http://events.theiet.org/lapc/abstract.cfm   LAPC17 is taking place in Burleigh Court Loughborough on 13-14 th November and is sure to be another great event! So once you’ve submitted your abstract make sure to register!   The videos from last year’s event are up if you want to catch up on the talks and see my blog for last year’s highlights

    Former Staff Member
  • Active And Passive 2017

    Active And Passive 2017

    Our annual Active and Passive event was held this year in Savoy Place, London on 8 May 2017 We were fortunate to have two impressive keynote speakers at the event. In the morning we heard from Dr Souheil Ben Smida from the University of Bristol. He got the day off to a flying start with an engaging talk on RF power amplifier characterisation. In the afternoon, we heard from George Goussetis. George works at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, where the number of RF staff has grown rapidly over the last few years leading to the university becoming the centre for RF tech in Scotland. The University was well represented at the event with 5 speakers/poster presenters; we have been to Heriot-Watt University before for the event – maybe we need to go there again?! Our keynotes weren’t the only talks…

    Former Staff Member
  • Digital Transformation, The Pragmatic Approach To Industry 4.0 Implementation, Productivity Boosts & Quick Wins

    Digital Transformation, The Pragmatic Approach To Industry 4.0 Implementation, Productivity Boosts & Quick Wins

    The “Digital Age” is a hot topic with possible future applications and implications being discussed daily across popular media. Where do you start amongst the buzz words of “autonomation”, “Industry 4.0”, “Big Data”? How can the fantastic sci fi solutions being promised be used in real life business applications?    Some would say that the future is already upon us. Who would have thought at the start of the computing age that our lives would managed by the small gadgets in our pocket? Some of us barely use phones simply to call someone anymore. We’re using them to manage our home and work lives all the time, and it’s become commonplace to see people using them to manage maintenance, track medical scans, and all sorts of applications where we benefit from having technology at the point of use…

    Gemma Hadley
  • CC-AP Meeting At Taipei

    CC-AP Meeting At Taipei

    A CC-AP meeting was held at Medison Hotel, Taipei on 29 April 2017. In addition to regular discussion on CC-AP operational matters, in this meeting, the upcoming Community Volunteer Conference 2017 (CVC 2017) that going to be held at Auckland, New Zealand in August 2017 has been tabled as one of the key items for discussion to finalise the local arrangement, logistics preparation and the event schedule.  The CC-AP committee are very much appreciated to the attandence of Taipei Local Network committee members to join us for a casual lunch meeting and networking. Particularly to Prof. Jen-Shiun Chiang, the Chairman of Taipei Local Network who has given a presentation about the latest development of Taipei Local Network and their past and upcoming activities to the CC-AP committee members. Further…

    Matthew Teow
  • 2017 STEM And The Arts Career Showcase

    2017 STEM And The Arts Career Showcase

    For the fourth year running, volunteers from the SoCal Local Network  partnered with OC Vital Link (@vitallinkoc) to particpate in their three day STEM and Arts Career Showcase as part of the 2017 OC Fair Imaginology event held at the OC Fair & Event Center , Costa Mesa, April 21 - 23, 2017. OC Vital Link is a California based not-for-profit whose vision is that all students will graduate with an understanding of their career potential, and through interactive programs, expand their resources to select their future career, and their mission is to be the link between industry professionals and educational organizations to prepare students for the successful transition to a meaningful career and help them explore, discover, and connect to their future career.   The IET Booth at the 2017 STEM…

  • Member news

    Member news

    Member news link: http://email.ietinfo.org/q/11njKEen4dfo88tgkQyLACY/wv Some interesting and perhaps controversial engagements reported in the UK centric member news. Some good events, particularly the IET Junior Board. We have the same problems right here in Canada so why can't we do some horizontal integration across the IET globally and have this program internaional in scope?

    David Mann
  • Approaching A Ransomware Compromise.

    Approaching A Ransomware Compromise.

    The chosen theme of field based devices and their ability to provide commodity services can only be successful if the core infrastructure and the devices themselves remain operational. Ransomware was a reoccurring theme at the cloud expo reported on a few blogs ago and can effect devices so that business services are diminished. Below are some points for review on responding to a ransomware compromise: Based on the size of your geographical network, a two, three or n tiered approach can be used to respond to ransomware attack. Prioritisation will be key to be effective, such as ; (i) Identify effected/reported core business networks, then engage in your DR plan to bring online backed-up data in a clean environment. This will let your business continue its operations, albeit within limits. Your…

  • John Logie Baird Lecture and excitement at Savoy Place

    John Logie Baird Lecture and excitement at Savoy Place

    The MMC TPN held our annual John Logie Baird lecture at Savoy Place yesterday in the extremely nice surroundings of the Turing Lecture Theatre.  The event was a great success and earlier in the day we thought all the press outside Savoy Place must have been there because of the excitement generated by the lecture!  However, it turned out to be because the Labour Party shadow cabinet and NEC were meeting in Savoy Place.  If you take a look at newspaper reports you'll see Jeremy Corbyn on the steps at Savoy Place and also some pictures of the cameraman whose foot was run over by Corbyn's car!  Next year perhaps we can generate the press excitement on our own without needing to involve political parties.

    Graham Turner


    Three IET Activities in a Week, .. Bahrain Local Network   This week was a busy week for IET Bahrain local network.  Indeed, the local network was busy either via participating, or in organizing events.   The three events are:    The first was on Sunday, the 7 th of May, and it was related to organizing an event about (Advanced Engineering Applications of Operations Research).  This event was presented by two distinguished academics from (College of Information Technology, University of Bahrain).   The event was attended by a number of   academics and engineers, and IET YP in Bahrain, whom they helped in setting and the running the event.  The second event came in terms of participating, that was on 8 th of May (Monday) morning till afternoon.  IET Bahrain local network was invited to talk…

    Prof. Ebrahim Mattar


    (IET) Trinidad & Tobago Local Network will be hosting the 2017 Present Around the World (PATW) local finals on Saturday 27th May 2017 and wishes to extend an invitation to you and potential participants. The winner of the local final will have an all expense paid opportunity to participate in the Americas PATW final in either Canada or USA 2017 (to be determined). The winner of the Americas Final will then have an all expense paid opportunity to participate in the PATW World Finals London in November 2017.   For more information on the IET PATW and our local network the following links are accessible:       http://www.theiet.org/patw Jennifer Maraj - Secretary IET TT LN (jmaraj@theiet.org)

    J. Maraj
  • An engineer’s guide to product development, patents and intellectual property

    An engineer’s guide to product development, patents and intellectual property

    Are you looking to protect your inventions from competitors and learn how to make best possible use of them? Or are you looking to master some thinking techniques for generating ideas, developing patented products and finding your way around other people's patents? If so, our ‘engineer’s guide to product development, patents and intellectual property’ training course could help you!   This one day course which is aligned with UK-SPEC competence B, covers several different areas including the following: •  What is intellectual property / patents; •  Different kinds of intellectual property and how they are useful; •  How to read patents; •  Stepping through the patent application process; •  What is TRIZ?; •  How TRIZ can help you protect and strengthen your patents; • Applying the Trends of…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Volunteers needed to help out on IET stand at RIAT 2017

    Volunteers needed to help out on IET stand at RIAT 2017

    The Aerospace TPN is planning to link up again with the Swindon Network in relation to RIAT 2017  at RAF Fairford.   The joint stand has several interactive activities to promote STEM subjects to the complete age range from 5 to 19 and provide advice and guidance to other interested people and groups as well, on the Aerospace TPN, careers in aerospace/aviation, professional registration/membership etc.   We have morning and afternoon slots for staffing the stand based on the show being open from 8am to 8pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday (14th, 15th & 16th July 2017).  The times would be 8am – 2pm (morning) and 2pm – 8pm (afternoon) for each day.   If you would like to be involved in the event this year, then please reply letting me know which day(s) you can help and your preference on morning…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Speaker Highlight - The 3rd Annual Future Of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027

    Join us at  The 3rd Annual Future of Medicine – The Role Of Doctors In 2027  hear Professor Shafi Ahmed,  Laparoscopic and Colorectal Surgeon speak on " Disrupting Medical Education"   See Professor Shafi Ahmed’s biography below:   Professor Shafi Ahmed is a laparoscopic colorectal surgeon at The Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals. As a dedicated trainer, educator, and Associate Dean of Bart’s Medical School, he was awarded the Silver Scalpel award in 2015 as the best national trainer in surgery by the Association of Surgeons in Training. He is currently serving as an elected member of council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and is a faculty member of the International Foundation for the Advancement of Surgical Telementoring (IFAST)   He is always looking at ways of translating…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Nuffield Research Placements are looking for project providers

    Nuffield Research Placements are looking for project providers

    Nuffield Research Placements provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians from a variety of universities, commercial companies, voluntary organisations and research institutions.  Year 12 students (studying in their first year of their first post-16 course) will spend 4 to 6 weeks over the summer holidays in a placement where they will complete a STEM research project that contributes to the work of their host.   The students will have gained good results at GCSE (at least 5 A* to B grades) and will be looking to study a STEM subject at university or have a STEM career.  They are enthusiastic and motivated, and historically have produced outstanding work for their project providers.  We prepare…

  • Science and the Universe!

    Science and the Universe!

    If you were watching BBC News this morning, you may have seen one of the Particle Accelerator Network team members, Graeme Burt, from Lancaster University,  talking about the Large Hadron Collider - which has recently undergone a mayor new, state of the art refit which will produce more collisions and therefore allow discoveries to be made faster. If you missed it, don't worry, you can catch it on IPlayer - fast forward to 2 hours 57 minutes.

    Joanne Longton
  • Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2017

    Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2017

    We are once again looking for nominations for our Doctoral Dissertation Prize - recognising a student for their research excellence in the field of Control & Automation.  Do you know a student who deserves to win this year - the prize money on offer is £500! The award is open to all relevant students who were awarded their PhD in the general area of Control and Automation, at a UK university, between 1st October 2015 up to 30 September 2017 and nominations are now open.   Nominations must be made via the nomination form which is available for download in our files section and returned by 30 September 2017. Need any more encouragement to nominate someone?   Read what our previous winners have to say.  Giordano Scarciotti, 2016 winner “I am delighted and honoured to receive the 2016 IET Control…

    Joanne Longton
  • Women In Engineering – STEM.

    Women In Engineering – STEM.

    Women In Engineering – STEM. Bahrain University if organizing a one day specific event, about Women In Engineering – STEM.  This event will run from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm, Monday 8 th of May.   The event will be attended by high profile directors, women in Tech and engineering,  other specialties, and officials in Bahrain, in addition to a number of speakers from the region.  Two IET female members from Bahrain will be participating also in this event.  This include the IET fellow Dr. Marium Jamaan (as a keynote speaker), and MIET Dr. Hessa Al-Juanid, from IET Bahrain local network committee (as an organizing member).    As IET member and a member of Bahrain local committee,  I personally have been also asked to speak about the IET in its global prospects, and its support to women in terms of…

    Prof. Ebrahim Mattar
  • Retired Members Visit The Wymeswold Solar Farm In Leicestershire

    Retired Members Visit The Wymeswold Solar Farm In Leicestershire

    Wymeswold Airfield Solar Farm is one of the largest solar power projects in the country. Rated at 35MW, it occupies 150  acres of the WW2 Wymeswold Airfield. It is owned by the Foresight Group and in April hosted a well-attended visit by a group from the IET East Midlands Retired Members section.     The visit started with an excellent lunch at the Windmill Inn in Wymeswold, after which Saadat Ullam, Foresight’s Asset Manager for the site, gave a presentation about the site and what we could expect to see. There are 130,000 individual solar panels on the site, arranged into blocks of 1.2MW. The DC power from each block is converted to AC by solid-state inverters and transformed up to 33kV. The site has a single 33kV connection to the local Grid.   When we arrived at the site, Roy Strong showed…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET NorCal learns all about Dropbox

    IET NorCal learns all about Dropbox

    On Saturday, April 29 th , Tom Manville gave one of the most interesting presentations that the IET NorCal committee has had the pleasure of hosting to date. About 20 people attentively listened to his one and a half hour discussion on the architecture and technologies behind Dropbox.   His talk started by highlighting the size of the data problem that the engineers at Dropbox work with. For example, Dropbox has about 500 million users by the latest count and those users had access to about 500 petabytes of storage in 2016; a significant increase from 40 petabytes in 2012. 500 petabytes is a 5 followed by 17 zero’s worth of bytes. To put that into perspective, that is enough storage to hold 14,000 times the amount of text held in all of the books in the Library of Congress. (It’s a lot!). …

    Allan Casey
  • The North West Electrification Programme - Crewe

    The North West Electrification Programme - Crewe

    If you didn't make it along to the IET Railway  North West Electrification Programme event in Crewe, have a read over what you missed. The North West Electrification Programme The engineering team from Network Rail give an overview of the background to the programme, how the option development and designs has been progressed, and  what the next steps are for the programme. Background The electrification programme in the North West will see over 300km of lines electrified, improving connections between towns and cities in our region and beyond. The first two phases of electrification are now complete with passengers enjoying new electric services from Manchester Airport to Scotland, Liverpool, and between Huyton and Wigan with subsequent phases well underway.  The talk covered Phase 3, 4 and…

    Lynsay Callaghan