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  • Our latest EDI resource explores neuroinclusion at work

    Our latest EDI resource explores neuroinclusion at work

    When we published our Neurodiversity in Engineering and Technology report in November 2023, we laid out 7 key commitments that we’re making to improve neuroinclusion across the organisation and wider sector. One of these commitments was to create a toolkit with a focus on practical actions and advice for supporting a neurodivergent person at work. We’re very pleased to now be able to share that resource with you. Read our new toolkit here. Our toolkit, titled ‘Understanding neurodivergence at work’, is aimed at organisations, employers and colleagues of neurodivergent people, as well as neurodivergent individuals themselves. Within, you’ll find important information about different neurodivergent conditions, how the related traits may manifest at work, and what you can do to support them…

  • North Devon Robotics Challenge 2024

    North Devon Robotics Challenge 2024

    Year 7 teams from five Devon schools met at Petroc College, Barnstaple on Wednesday 20 March to compete in the North Devon Robotics Challenge, sponsored by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the North Devon Manufacturers’ Association. The event was organised by the IET Devon and Cornwall local network, and supported by Petroc College. The teams of eight boys and girls have been working in pairs on four challenges; three involving programming Edison robots to address engineering challenges, and a fourth challenge to design, on paper, a robot help with an aspect of the local maritime industry. On Wednesday afternoon, the teams came together to show what they had achieved. The first challenge was to program the robot to race around an octagonal course as many times as…

  • Engineering Beginnings: My Journey into and within the World of Engineering

    Engineering Beginnings: My Journey into and within the World of Engineering

    I wrote this blog to encourage all engineers, especially those just starting their careers, to reflect on their journeys. Engineering can achieve incredible things, but it can be tough to find the right fit. It’s worth holding out for the space where your passion and skills truly align. By sharing my story, I hope to show that your unique perspective is a strength. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and know that your contributions are vital for a more inclusive and innovative future in engineering. I wanted to be a Doctor The year is 2009. I'm standing outside Stevenage Cineworld with a blue crayon clamped between my teeth like a faux cigar and a blazer that's two sizes too big for me. Clearly, my decision-making skills were still in development. At that time, I wanted…

  • Rare books: Recherches Physiques sur le Feu and Recherches Physiques sur L’Électricité

    Rare books: Recherches Physiques sur le Feu and Recherches Physiques sur L’Électricité

    The IET Library holds two books by the physician, politician, revolutionary and scientist Jean-Paul Marat. Recherches Physiques sur le Feu (1780) and Recherches Physiques sur L’Électricité (1782) are part of the collection of Silvanus P. Thompson purchased in 1917 by the IET. You can find out more about Thompson, his work and his association with the IET here . While Marat is often remembered primarily for his political activities, and particularly his role in the French Revolution of 1789-1799, his scientific contributions, show that he was an innovative thinker, willing to challenge established theories and committed to empirical research methods. Although some of Marat’s scientific theories were eventually proven incorrect, his works on fire and electricity reflect a deep engagement with…

    IET Archives
  • Young engineers from Fleetwood High School triumph in national engineering challenge final

    Young engineers from Fleetwood High School triumph in national engineering challenge final

    Students from Fleetwood High School in Fleetwood, Lancashire have won the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) national IET Faraday ® engineering challenge, securing £1,000 for their school. The top five school teams from the season league table attended the IET Faraday ® National Final on Wednesday 26 June 2024 at the Silverstone Museum. The other teams included Adcote School for Girls from Shrewsbury, Havelock Academy from Grimsby, St Roch’s Secondary School from Glasgow and St Aidan’s High School from Glasgow. This year’s challenge was in association with Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and National Highways - the government company that oversees the operation, maintenance and improvement of England’s motorways and major A roads. The teams were tasked to design a prototype that…

  • Nanotechnology Applications in Oil & Gas Manufacturing

    Nanotechnology Applications in Oil & Gas Manufacturing

    Nanotechnology Applications in Oil & Gas Manufacturing The oil and gas (O&G) industry is critical to the global economy, supplying essential energy resources that fuel transportation, electricity generation, and industrial processes. As demand for energy grows and environmental concerns intensify, the industry faces pressure to innovate and enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability. One promising frontier in this regard is nanotechnology, which involves the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale (one billionth of a meter). This article explores the diverse applications of nanotechnology in O&G manufacturing, highlighting its potential to revolutionise the sector. Enhanced Material Properties: Nanotechnology can significantly improve the properties of materials used in O&G manufacturing…

  • The Whole System: Mobility-as-a-Service - Data mining: the key to making Mobility-as-a-Service work?

    The Whole System: Mobility-as-a-Service - Data mining: the key to making Mobility-as-a-Service work?

    To make this new idea work, travellers and providers will have to pool a lot of data. Making it safe and reliable is a big task The challenges of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) extend beyond the transport system itself and include protection of individuals’ personal data and agreements on the distribution of revenue. For Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) to work, it will require considerable sharing of data. This will allow MaaS to build a picture of the totality of the traveller’s requirements and plug into the infrastructure of transport service providers, such as journey planning, booking and information. This will give would-be passengers real-time information relevant to each transport service in a particular journey. No getting away from data sharing The dependence of MaaS on data sharing…

  • The Whole System: Mobility-as-a-Service - A MaaS-sive possibility?

    The Whole System: Mobility-as-a-Service - A MaaS-sive possibility?

    Can a new approach to moving people around be a ‘win, win’ for people, the economy and the environment all at the same time? In a future carbon sustainable, net-zero world, people will still want, and probably need, to travel. This prompts the question, ‘how?’ From a Systems Engineering (SE) perspective, one answer would be Mobility as a Service (MaaS). What is MaaS? The UK’s Government Office for Science (citing the Transport Systems Catapult and UK Parliamentary records) describes MaaS as: ‘digital interface to source and manage the provision of a transport related service(s) which meets the mobility requirements of a customer’. MaaS is a system that provides a single point of organisation for a journey, providing options to use any part of the existing array of transport services…

  • The Whole System: Transport Energy - Transport and Energy, Natural Partners?

    The Whole System: Transport Energy - Transport and Energy, Natural Partners?

    At first glance, the Energy and Transport sectors appear to be made for each other. Look closer and there are major obstacles to making anything more than a marriage of convenience Integrating our energy and transport systems involves overcoming numerous business, commercial and technical challenges. Paradoxically, neither segment is set up to meet the needs of the other. Each has a strong instinct for where the boundaries between them lie. As such, the greater barrier to combining these fields is cultural. Energy and Transport ‘Transport Energy’ is both what we use to power our transportation systems and the way we use it. How this is done affects the UK in three areas; environmental, economic and energy security, which converge on each other, often acting in opposition. Between…

  • The Whole System: Safety Loss Driven Systems - As safe as we can make it

    The Whole System: Safety Loss Driven Systems - As safe as we can make it

    How Loss-Driven Systems Engineering (LDSE) can revolutionise approaches to safety and loss. What is Loss Driven Systems Engineering? Safety is an essential guiding concept underpinning the engineering of all transport systems. This can be understood as the absence of unreasonable risk of harm to the health of people. With the surge in connected systems since 2010, the related concept of security (especially cybersecurity), has come sharply into focus. Broadly, cybersecurity addresses the absence of unreasonable risk of compromise of online properties and assets. Confidentiality, integrity, availability, being especially important. In transport systems, the impact of security on safety is often the primary consideration, but other potential losses should also be of concern (e.g., financial…

  • The Whole System: Freight - A Better Way to Carry the Nation’s Baggage

    The Whole System: Freight - A Better Way to Carry the Nation’s Baggage

    Freight is already heavily reliant on Systems Engineering. What more can SE do in this sector? What is freight? Freight refers to the transportation of raw materials, fuel (non-pipeline) and merchandise. It is intermodal, utilising road, rail, air and/or sea to deliver goods from point A (often the point of manufacture of an item) to point B (often the user/consumer) and contains multiple intersections with other transport operators. It is not typical for freight to use dedicated and isolated corridors. Instead, freight routes converge with other freight traffic as well as non-freight transportation. From a Systems Engineering (SE) perspective, moving freight has many similarities with inter-urban passenger rail. Freight networks connect interchange points (or stations). Freight SE is inherently…

  • How small change gave birth to the modern world

    How small change gave birth to the modern world

    We complain about it, but our towns and cities would become impassable without this engineering achievement... July 16, 1935 - The world's first parking meter is installed Another hot, dry summer day in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. On the corner of First Street and Robinson Avenue, workers are setting up strange contraptions on the sidewalk's edge. When people try to park their cars on the road next to the new devices, they have a surprise. Now, they have to pay for every minute they want to leave their vehicles in the street, up to an hour. The bane of the modern urban motorist is here: the world's first parking meter. The birth of a modern problem In the first 20 years of the 20th Century, towns and cities in the United States were filling up with motor cars, for which there was…

  • The Whole System: Rail - Key points on Systems Engineering and Rail

    The Whole System: Rail - Key points on Systems Engineering and Rail

    Rail transport is already a complex system, pivotal to integrating our transport network into a larger system engineering whole What is rail transport? Urban and inter-urban rail is a high-speed solution for the transport of people and goods. While roads are mainly focused on individual transport solutions, rail is mass transit with similarities to air and sea transportation; it is organised as a network, centred on major hubs. The rail network connects interchange points (for example, passenger stations or freight terminals) and other transport modes. Rail Systems Engineering (SE) is inherently a “system of systems.” Why does rail matter? Railways connect goods and people through mass transit operational models. In the year to March 2022, UK railways accommodated 990 million passenger…

  • The Whole System: Aerospace - The magic of flight

    The Whole System: Aerospace - The magic of flight

    It could be said Systems Engineering and Aviation were made for each other The invention of heavier-than-air flight has made the world smaller, easier to reach, particularly after 1950. As aircraft capability has grown, the machines themselves have become, as we shall see, vastly more complex. The aerospace sector manufactures products that can be used in a variety of different contexts: Civil aerospace sector using aircraft and helicopters to transport passengers and goods Defence Aerospace sector extending from Civil Aerospace use case to include military applications (weapons and defence uses) Commercial Aerospace where aircraft and helicopters act as couriers In addition to these products, multiple related infrastructures, subsystems, and personnel provide key support for…

  • The Whole System: Maritime Transport - Dangerous cargoes – Systems Engineering can make it safer

    The Whole System: Maritime Transport - Dangerous cargoes – Systems Engineering can make it safer

    Systems Engineering can make for safer seas Marine transportation has always been a popular choice when moving hazardous goods around the world. Carrying very large inventories in a controlled setting, with access to centralised on-loading and off-loading facilities, connected to geographically distant locations - all present advantages rail and road are unable to achieve. This brings numerous challenges in, for example, managing interfaces with other transportation methods, for example, road, pipelines, and rail. Safety doesn’t come last Waste similar to this is transported by sea for disposal in third countries. Domestic appliances being recycled, SW London Source: John Cameron on Unsplash Implementing a safe, secure, and efficient transportation system network is key to achieving…

  • The Whole System: Maritime Transport - Finding the harbour in the tempest

    The Whole System: Maritime Transport - Finding the harbour in the tempest

    Ship navigation and Systems Engineering can be an excellent fit Backbone of the world economy Maritime transport has supported world commerce for centuries. Now it is the backbone of world trade, making up around 80% of the volume of international trade in goods. Key to this is ship navigation, the process of ensuring a ship gets to where it is going without becoming another statistic in a featureless ocean. In the last decade, global shipping, and the movement of goods by sea have seen substantial changes in the number of ships and their size. The average capacity of container ships has grown from less than 3,000 to circa 4,500 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) in the last decade. More than fifty mega-ships in the world have a capacity of 21,000 TEUs. Navigation is a journey, not a…

  • The Whole System - Road Transport: What we think about when we think about transport

    The Whole System - Road Transport: What we think about when we think about transport

    As important as transport is to people, it is also vital to freight and manufacturers Freight is a good place to begin any discussion of the significance of Systems Engineering within the transport industry. It is something the general public give little or no thought to, unless goods are delayed en route and items such as food, drugs and parcel deliveries are not delivered on time. It (freight) refers to the movement of raw materials, fuel (non-pipeline) and merchandise. It is typically intermodal, including as it does multiple interfaces with other transport operators. Efficient freight transportation is essential for productive manufacturing & distribution and contributes to sustainability through integration with green energy sources. Ticapampa District, Peru Source: Ernesto…

  • The Whole System - Road Transport: An Integrated System Awaits Us, If We Knew It

    The Whole System - Road Transport: An Integrated System Awaits Us, If We Knew It

    What is blocking an integrated road transport system? On the face of it, Transport would appear to be an excellent example of a large-scale engineering system, rather than a collection of disparate technologies that move people and goods from A to B. The plain fact is that this is not true, not entirely. For while cars run on roads, there is little actual integration to make it a true system (other than through the driver). To begin with, Systems Engineering (SE) principles are not applied to this wider road transport system of systems, which includes the vehicles, road infrastructure and communications networks to connect them in the future. Indeed, there is no one single organisation or authority that has this system and data integration as a core goal. It is difficult to see how the…

  • The Whole System: Systems Engineering in Transport - Introduction

    The Whole System: Systems Engineering in Transport - Introduction

    How can Systems Engineering help foster an improved transport system in the UK? This blog series will examine how transport systems use Systems Engineering and how Systems Engineering will be essential for their future success. ‘The Whole System’ is a series (or a system, if you will) of blog posts covering Systems Engineering (SE) in transport. It will provide a snapshot of how SE works within the wide range of transport modes we now take for granted. Systems Engineering defined These definitions provided by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) are a good guide to what the discipline entails: A system is an arrangement of parts or elements that together exhibit behaviour or meaning that the individual constituents do not. An engineered system is a system designed…

  • Harnessing the Elements: A Career in Wind and Solar Energy

    Harnessing the Elements: A Career in Wind and Solar Energy

    For the next in our 'My Engineering Career' series we hear from EngX community member Aditya Vyas MIET , an engineer working in the Renewable Energy industry. Aditya shares why he became an engineer and the importance of continuous progress: Who I am and what I do I work as an engineer. The last nine years of my working life have been devoted to the renewable energy industry. More recently I have spent the last six months working as a Senior Renewable Energy Consultant in the area of hybrid power. The role revolves around delivering Advisory and Owner's Engineering Services for standalone and co-located utility scale energy storage and on hybrid renewable power plants. The business work on projects with both in-front and behind-the-meter systems. My primary responsibilities include overseeing…

  • Where it all began...raising water by fire

    Where it all began...raising water by fire

    Paradoxical as it may have seemed to society 300 years ago, water and fire could be joined and made productive. It just needed the right spark… July 2, 1698 - Thomas Savery patents the first ‘steam engine’ It is 1698. The Industrial Revolution is still decades away. Muscles, be they human or animal, are the main sources of power to get most things done. Take tin and coal mines, for example. They are prone to flooding and the only way to remove the excess water is by a horse powered pulley system that raises the water in buckets. Thomas Savery Source: Wikimedia Commons What if this could be done by something akin to magic, but that is not magic? Gentleman, military engineer and inventor Thomas Savery has just the thing. The ‘thing’ is what Mr Savery has patented today, July 2 nd…

  • The Women of  the EAW Manchester Branch 1926-1935

    The Women of  the EAW Manchester Branch 1926-1935

    By Isabella Fletcher and Graeme Gooday, University of Leeds This is the sixth of a series of blogs written by Liberal Arts students at the University of Leeds to celebrate the centenary of the Electrical Association for Women in 2024. These blogs on early EAW activities are based on themes that the students selected from reading digitised versions of the first two volumes (1926-1935) of The Electrical Age (for Women). You can read Isabella’s first blog here . Introduction The Manchester District Branch of the Electrical Association for Women (EAW), launched on the 25th of March 1926, was the fifth such to be founded . Staffed by some of the most ardent pioneers for the domestic uptake of electricity, Manchester’s was soon one of the most active EAW branches. Although the women we discuss…

  • Sparks of Success: Charting a career course in electrical engineering

    Sparks of Success: Charting a career course in electrical engineering

    We meet Danny Bratcher TMIET in the next of our 'My Engineering Career' blog series. Danny is a Senior High Voltage Electrical Engineer working at a large international airport in the UK. Danny tells us about how he was encouraged into a career in engineering and the value of Mentors: Good to meet you, let me tell you about myself Greetings and thank you for taking the time to read my blog detailing my career so far as an electrical engineer. My name is Danny Bratcher. Currently, I am the Senior High Voltage Electrical Engineer working for a large international airport in the UK. I started my career as an Electrical Engineer in 1992 when, out of over 80 candidates, I was successful in obtaining a 5-year electrical installation apprenticeship with a small electrical contractor based in…

  • Harmonizing Humanity and Machines: Insights from ICRA2024

    Harmonizing Humanity and Machines: Insights from ICRA2024

    In May the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) was hosted in Yokohama, Japan. The conference was nothing short of remarkable, drawing thousands of robotics enthusiasts, researchers, and industry leaders from around the globe. The theme this year being how robots and people can work together better. The conference’s live demonstrations were a highlight. Hundreds of robots competing in representative scenarios, highlighting their capabilities to the best of their abilities. From agile drones to humanoid machines, we witnessed real-world applications in action. These demonstrations underscored the power of robotics to transform industries, from manufacturing to disaster response. It was not clear how many end users were present, but there was certainly a massive…