Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens - Technology Behind the Artform

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Manufacturers: your Data is an Asset [Video]

    Manufacturers: your Data is an Asset [Video]

    Manufacturers should start seeing data about their products as an asset they can and should control. This was the conclusion of an international panel session at UK Construction Week in October. You can watch the session here and read a summary of the discussion in this blog post. The session was motivated by a section of ‘ Digitisation for Construction Product Manufacturers: a Plain Language Guide ’ which looks at what manufacturers should consider when working with third party data services. As manufacturers recognise the need for data expertise and demand for data services expands dramatically, what are the pitfalls that manufacturers need to negotiate if they are going to make wise investment decisions? Our panelists were: Paul Surin, Chair of Construction Products Europe…

  • Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens - Technology Behind the Artform

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Function existence axioms

    Function existence axioms

    Theories forment a great deal of interest to provide for a world that is often extremely abstract and seemingly contradictory while promoting funtional areas within society, it remains with empirical scrutiny whether they are consistent with the probabilistic character of quantum field descriptions of physical systems and/or guage transformations.

  • New Year Honours 2022 - Citations for Officers of the New Zealand Order of Merit (IET Auckland Local Network)

    New Year Honours 2022 - Citations for Officers of the New Zealand Order of Merit (IET Auckland Local Network)

    Dear IET New Zealand members, We are delighted to inform you that Mr. George Arulanantham, the Honorary Treasurer for the IET Auckland Local Network, has received one of the highest Honour New Zealand. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has been pleased to appoint him as an “Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit – ONZM” in recognition of my services to the community. This honour is included in the New Year Honours 2022, which was announced 5:00 AM, on Friday 31 December 2021. Please refer to the link below for details. https://dpmc.govt.nz/honours/lists/ny2022-onzm George has been involved in community work since his arrival in New Zealand over twenty years ago, initially being heavily involved in advocating and assisting refugee and migrant communities. Over the years, he has been grateful…

  • Pye Radio Exhibition in Cambridge

    Pye Radio Exhibition in Cambridge

    The Cambridge Museum of Technology are creating a temporary exhibition in 2022 to commemorate the centenary of broadcasting by the BBC and the first ten years of Pye Radios up to the first superhets. If anyone from the Cambridge network or further afield can contribute anything to the exhibition, particularly bearing in mind that the BBC broadcast from Savoy Hill from 1923 to 1932, then please contact Bob Bates at bobbates@katelan.co.uk

  • Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable - Thursday 24 February at 1830 Hrs.

    Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable - Thursday 24 February at 1830 Hrs.

    The IET Cambridge Network have arranged a talk by the Coop on Thursday 24 February at 1830 hrs. The talk will be over Zoom. Full details are availoable at https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-IET-Engineering-and-Technology-Meetup/events/279073271/ Bookings via IET systems can be made at https://localevents.theiet.org/b03946 Robert Thompson will explain how the Coop overcame challenges to increase the recyclability of own brand packaging lines from 46% in 2016 to 100% in 2021. The talk will cover how the Co-op overcame challenges in defining what ‘recyclable’ means, how they worked with over 300 suppliers to ensure the packaging of 3,000 own brand products was recyclable, how they became the market for their own recyclate, and how they developed a system for recycling flexible plastic films in…

  • Heat Pump Choices - Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs.

    Heat Pump Choices - Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs.

    The Cambridge Network have arranged a talk over Zoom for Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs. Full details are at https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-IET-Engineering-and-Technology-Meetup/events/282819529/ A booking on IET systems can be made at https://localevents.theiet.org/67fa28 Heat pumps and saving energy in a domestic environment are frequently in the media. This webinar will help homeowners understand how heat pumps work, how they are designed and installed and why they are a good option for improving energy efficiency. We will also investigate alternative low carbon heating options and some new technology which will be followed by a Q&A with the audience. Our speaker, Warren Pope, will look at what heat pumps are available and how they work. He will also consider if heat pumps are the…

  • IET Buckinghamshire 2021 Prize

    IET Buckinghamshire 2021 Prize

    Buckinghamshire New University graduate Christian Partington receiving the IET Buckinghamshire 2021 prize. Handing over the prize to Christian are the IET Bucks’s Andrew Dodd together BNU course tutor Dr Rafid Al-Khannak. Christian received the prize for his excellent and consistently high standard of work during his BSc (Hons) Computing & Web development course. In addition, the prize was also awarded for his final year project on producing an App which gave access to recipes for people with Coeliac, Vegetarian and Vegan diets. Christian produced his App within the Android Studio environment. He decided to use XML rather than a higher-level language in order to give more control & precision of object placement & effects within his App.

    Andrew Dodd
  • A New Digital Format for Electricity Transmission (IET Anglian Coastal Network)

    A New Digital Format for Electricity Transmission (IET Anglian Coastal Network)

    'Digital electricity promotes digital transformation' explained Stephen Eaves of CEO Volt Server Inc, at the 'A New Digital Format for Electricity Transmission' webinar organised by the IET Anglian Coastal network. He explained that traditional power ecosystems have not progressed as fast as other technologies and thus remain rigid, passive, and hard to control, which all leads to inefficiencies. With Digital Electricity, the traditional power ecosystem can now start to become intelligent, and using their innovations of 'Packet Energy Transfer' they can now break electricity into brief , discrete, quantised, data led packets using digital signal processing, enabling energy (electricity) to be transferred through a computer network - the inherent capacitance of the line and receiver components…

  • The Rosalind Franklin Mars Rover

    The Rosalind Franklin Mars Rover

    Further to today's news in E&T, there is quite of lot of detail about the Rover's visual sensors, developed by the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at UCL, in a lecture given last year by Professor Andrew Coates. You can see this lecture on the IET Surrey channel on YouTube at : https://youtu.be/DCSmc4wEdjA

    A.C. Cunningham (Colin) in Space
  • Do you want to inspire Technicians of the future?

    Do you want to inspire Technicians of the future?

    In Autumn 2022, Technicians: The David Sainsbury Gallery ( https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see-and-do/technicians-david-sainsbury-gallery ) will open at the Science Museum, in London. Aimed at 11-16-year-olds, the interactive gallery will immerse young people in the world of technicians, where they’ll take a peek behind the scenes of your vital but often unseen roles. Visitors will discover stories from many different technicians through videos and photos. This will be a free interactive permanent gallery seeking to change perceptions of technical careers and inspire tomorrow’s technicians. You can see articles here: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/science-museum-new-gallery-teenagers-technicians-london-b958074.html?fbclid=IwAR3RY9igZ_zHTfmRglb9qBZmM-PUTJC3dshnXx2PvqgGz6Sd_NCdeb3EGYo…

    Rebecca Gillick
  • Have radio-frequency particle accelerators reached the end of the road?

    Have radio-frequency particle accelerators reached the end of the road?

    The Particle Accelerator Engineering Community has arranged a webinar on 11th January at 11am to discuss this topic. Radio-frequency (RF) has been the workhorse of particle accelerators since the 1960’s. Developed from the high power RF sources used for RADAR during the war the energy of these particle accelerators has been going up by a factor of 10 every 6 years. However this have been slowing down in the last few years and new technology using lasers and plasma is appearing offering higher gradients (although worse stability). Can the rate of improvement in RF accelerators continue or have we reached the limit? In this webinar we will look at new developments in RF technology that will continue to increase performance for the foreseeable future. The talk will cover improvements leading…

  • Design and technology worksheets

    Design and technology worksheets

    We are pleased to share our 18 free activity sheets to test key GCSE DT skills for teachers to use in class and for young adults to practise independently. (Some topics are in the maths curriculum too.) Maybe your family might even like to partake in a challenge this festive break! Download individually below or visit the webpage to find out more. Areas Can you calculate the area of the shapes on this activity sheet? Density Can you calculate the mass of the objects on our activity sheet and work out the density? Calculating cost See if you can calculate costs that go into the making of a single product. Ohm’s law and resistance What is Ohm’s law? Test your knowledge around current, voltage and resistance in an electrical circuit. Pythagoras Download…

  • New James Webb Space Telescope educational STEM resources

    New James Webb Space Telescope educational STEM resources

    We wanted to share some of the new content that is ready for teaching STEM to the next generation in January! As you may be aware, the James Webb Space Telescope is due to launch later this month, so we have prepared some back-to-school activities for primary and secondary aged children to take part in, that are all linked to the curriculum, with step-by-step guides prepared and slides for working through the activity with children in the lesson. Primary James Webb Space Telescope resources: Stargazing like a telescope Our Stargazing like a telescope resource is an exciting way to look at constellations and teach the solar system to your 7-11 year olds. Discuss the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope launch with your class during this curriculum-linked activity and inspire their…

  • IET Hong Kong November & December Newsletter

    IET Hong Kong November & December Newsletter

    IET Hong Kong November & December Newsletter Please click Here

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Applicants lacking technical skills remains the main difficulty seen by engineering employers, study finds

    Applicants lacking technical skills remains the main difficulty seen by engineering employers, study finds

    We carry out an annual skills survey of engineering employers in the UK. In 2021 we focused on the current skills challenges employers are facing, identify barriers to building supply of the needed skills, and the skills that will be needed in future. Download your free copy of the report for more findings, conclusions, and recommendations: theiet.org/skills Disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected businesses of all sizes with some staff switching to working from home, some becoming ill and having to self-isolate, and others being furloughed or made redundant, not to mention site closures and decreases in sales. There are also impacts caused by Brexit. This survey found around half of respondents have experienced difficulties importing/exporting and a quarter claimed…

  • Realising the benefits of interoperability for health and social care in England

    Realising the benefits of interoperability for health and social care in England

    We've launched a new report that sets out our position on the digital transformation of the National Healthcare Service (NHS) and social care across England. For as long as healthcare providers have used multiple IT systems, the NHS has struggled with interoperability. The problem grows exponentially as the number of systems supporting administrative and clinical processes within a healthcare provider increases and it gets even bigger when these providers are required to share information. Yet achieving interoperability is becoming ever more critical as we move towards statutory integrated care systems, through proposed legislation that has been drafted by the Government. This report aims to define and summarise the difficulties inherent in achieving interoperability and analyse accomplishments…

  • Official page for Community Committee Asia Pacific (CC-AP)

    Official page for Community Committee Asia Pacific (CC-AP)

    Welcome to the IET Community Committee Asia Pacific (CC-AP) page! What is the CC-AP? The CC-AP comprises IET volunteers who support the Local Networks (LNs) across the Asia Pacific region. The aim is to facilitate communication between communities and share best practice. CCAP Terms of Reference Where does the CCAP sit in the IET framework? The CC-AP reports to the Communities Resourcing Committee (CRC). The CRC is responsible for leading the IET communities’ activity, planning and resourcing, and ensuring that our work aligns with the IET strategy. CRC What does CC-AP do anyway? Who is on the CC-AP? The CC-AP 2023-2024 is: - Alice Chan (Chair) from New Zealand 2021 - 2024 - Dodi Mak (Senior Staff Member) from Hong Kong (Staff) - Keith Chan (Vice Chair/ Finance Lead…

  • Cambridge webinars available to view online

    Cambridge webinars available to view online

    Please see below a list of all our webinar recordings which are available to view online: Re-engineering the microscope 19 Nov 20 Renewable energy - how to balance the electric grid 26 Nov 20 Next generation solutions for electrical grid monitoring 3 Dec 20 What's so interesting about 5G? 21 Jan 21 Aircraft electrification 25 Feb 21 The Breath Biopsy® Platform 11 Mar 21 Vertical Aerospace 15 Apr 21 There is more than a cat in the Schroedinger box: a Python 6 May 21 The HydroFLEX Hydrogen-powered train project 20 May 21 Perspectives on audio: Information vs data; fidelity vs resolution 17 Aug 21 Nvidia powers the AI revolution 21 Oct 2021 The Cambridge autonomous bus trials 18 Nov 21 CorrosionRADAR - a journey from an invention to a global corrosion monitoring company…

  • ICMS 3rd Edition

    ICMS 3rd Edition

    The ICMS third and Final edition has been issued recently, and an abridged version of the press release together with a copy of the Standard is attached. The IET Project Controls Network are founder members and part owners of the ICMS Standards. The second edition of ICMS extended the scope of the first edition to encompass life cycle costs, reflecting the pivotal role they play in the financial management of construction projects around the world. This third edition recognises the criticality of reducing greenhouse gas emissions if a disaster caused by global climate change is to be averted. In ICMS, greenhouse gas emissions are measured in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, and for simplicity, referred to throughout as ‘carbon emissions’. By providing a common reporting framework…

  • Anglian Coastal webinars available to view online

    Anglian Coastal webinars available to view online

    Please see below a list of all our webinar recordings which are available to view online: Do we need psychological safety within teams? 25 Jun 20 The future of TV: lets make it personal 9 Jul 20 5G demystified: the what, when and where 6 Aug 20 Active-house versus Passiv-haus - but is either enough? 13 Oct 20 Artificial Intelligence: Truth, Lies and Consequences 9 Nov 20 Indoor Localisation in the IoT era 30 Nov 20 Agile - just another buzzword? Or key to surviving/thriving in the 21st century world? 10 Dec 20 Nobody saw it coming - the rise and rise of the camera phone 26 Jan 21 You are 467 in the queue - your call is moderately important to us... 22 Feb 21 Agile – It’s all about the people! 9 Mar 21 CityFibre is unleashing the UK's digital potential 30 Mar 21 Cyber…

  • Essex Network CPD certificates

    Essex Network CPD certificates

    Please see below links to download the CPD certificate for our recent webinars. Security and privacy challenges in the 5G connected Cooperative Intelligent Transport system 8 December 2021 EDSAC 26 January 2022 The challenges of delivering a charging network for the vehicles of the future 9 February 2022 Industrial Resilience to Disasters 9 March 2022 Amendment 2 of the Wiring Regulations 18 May 2022 Artificial Intelligence and Ethics 11 January 2023

  • 2021 highlights from Insight and Policy

    2021 highlights from Insight and Policy

    2021 was a year of recovery, building back better and adapting to new ways of working and living. From Covid-19 to COP26, this year has highlighted many unique challenges and opportunities. Working with our expert panels, industry, academia, and Government, we continued to provide engineering solutions across many industry sectors. Through interviews, blog posts, reports, consultations, webinars, and more, we aimed to deliver insight to advance technology and innovation for the benefit of society. Below are some of our highlights of this year. Built Environment Digitisation for construction product manufacturers: a plain language guide - how manufacturers can structure and share data safely. Design and Manufacturing The future manufacturing engineer: ready to embrace major change…