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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Heat Pump Choices Video Recording

    Heat Pump Choices Video Recording

    The talk by Warren Pope to the Cambridge Network on 21 January was an excellent introduction to heat pumps and other forms of electrical heating. There were over 1150 registrations and 850 attended. A recording of the talk is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfhy1MLiuJM ./ Slides which include links to various suppliers and opotions for graants are on Google Drive at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j7dPlq9UaPf4pzd37MWiZoCFaJMw7_c4/view?usp=sharing

  • Amazing 60 years membership of ICE

    Amazing 60 years membership of ICE

    It gives me great pleasure to share the news that one of our Project Controls Technical committee member, Roger Batten , has recently achieved 60 years membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). The Project Controls Network is a collaboration between the IET and the ACostE with the joint aim of advancing the knowledge and understanding of Project Control to as wide an audience as possible. During 2020 and 2021, we produced a series of 8 webinars that covered the basics of Project Controls. These webinars are still available on demand – you can view them on our Technical Webinar Hub . Roger has been a long standing supporter of the committee, and alongside 60 years in the ICE, he has also been a member of the Association of Cost Engineers for nearly fifty years and a member…

  • First Lego League Midlands Heats Coventry

    First Lego League Midlands Heats Coventry

    Our grateful thanks to Caroline Lambert who organised this event at Coventry University and to all the volunteers who helped. The local winners were Coundon Court STEM Club who celebrated with Derrick Willer, a volunteer IET Education Officer and STEM Ambassador.

    Derrick Willer
  • Robotics Workshops 2022 hosted by IET Wellington & South Island Network

    Robotics Workshops 2022 hosted by IET Wellington & South Island Network

    Will you create the next life-saving device? Or the next iteration of search and rescue robot? Help companies automate their manufacturing processes? All these things are possible if you become a mechatronics engineer‍‍. Please click here for further information. If you are interested in participating the workshop, please feel free to contact Mr Darren baxter at darren.baxter@ietvolunteer.org

  • Solid State Batteries

    Solid State Batteries

    The recording of last week's online lecture on Solid State Batter ies presented by Surrey Local Network will be available on YouTube from 09.00 on Monday 24th January. The link is https://youtu.be/QOdDa-tetgs .

  • Why isn’t the Construction Sector implementing Digital Transformation?

    Why isn’t the Construction Sector implementing Digital Transformation?

    Over the coming months, the Plain Language Guide Editorial Board will be publishing a series of opinion pieces and hosting open online calls to discuss them. In March we will be holding an exclusive in-person event for senior executives to address the issues these articles cover. This is your opportunity to participate in the debate. Scroll down to read more about the challenge of digital transformation for construction and find out how you can join us to discuss these important issues. What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the development of new business processes for data – new business models. Beyond the simple concept of digitisation (which the Plain Language Guide describes on page 5), beyond making that data work for your existing business (digitalisation), digital…

  • Sussex Local Network Event Recordings 2021/22

    Sussex Local Network Event Recordings 2021/22

    Date of Talk Title of Talk Thumbnail Description Video Recording Tuesday 26th October 2021 How to use light to make aircraft lighter A talk by Dr Christopher Holmes, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton. Next generation aircraft shall use more optical fibre technology in order to reduce an aircraft’s total weight. This weight saving shall make flight more efficient and so environmentally greener. This talk discusses the research being conducted at the University of Southampton including advances in new types of optical fibre for aerospace. https://youtu.be/-8-1ocjF8eo Tuesday 2nd November 2021 6G Wireless: A New Strategic Direction An interesting talk on 6G Wireless by Regius Professor Rahim Tafazolli FREng, Director of…

    David James
  • Letter to IET Victoria Local Network Members

    Letter to IET Victoria Local Network Members

    Dear IET Victorian Members, The IET Victorian Network wishes you a happy, safe and prosperous new year! We hope this mail finds you well. Throughout the years the IET Victoria network has been organising activities to engage, educate and network for our members. All of this has been done by a set of volunteers, they are just like you, members of the IET. As you know Melbourne, Victoria as the most lockdown city in the world had a hard time during the past couple of years. During this time the network had to reinvent itself. We couldn't have face to face meetings, events or site tours. It took us a bit of time to adjust, but we persevered and managed to do some good online events. It appears this new normal is going to be there for a while looking at the COVID numbers state and nationwide…

  • IET Ireland ADCs/DACs: Design for reliability and robustness to avoid field failures webinar on 8th February at 18.30 (GMT)

    IET Ireland ADCs/DACs: Design for reliability and robustness to avoid field failures webinar on 8th February at 18.30 (GMT)

    Join IET Ireland for the first webinar of 2022 covering 'ADCs/DACs: Design for reliability and robustness to avoid field failures webinar'. This webinar dives into several key areas in order to avoid design failures in the field and to avoid expensive re-recall or retro-fitting and debugging of issues due to reliability and robustness over time. Speaker - Ching Man Staff Applications Engineer Analog Register to join us

  • Eco Clubs

    Eco Clubs

    Eco Clubs Nadhim Zahawi, UK Education Secretary Of State: “Climate change to be at the heart of education.” “A new Climate Award will also be opened up to children and young people, in recognition of their work to improve the environment. A prestigious national awards ceremony will be held every year.” Schools Liaison Community We are encouraging schools and governments world wide to emulate the UK initiative and so start Eco-Clubs. Derrick Willer has also funded an annual award for schools in Coventry and Warwickshire. www.schoolsliaisoncommunity.net Derrick Willer MBE STEM Ambassador www.dwiller.com

    Derrick Willer
  • Lets Have Fun With Maths

    Lets Have Fun With Maths

    Based on hsi book "Sums. They're Math Magic" this lecture uses maths as a basis for solving some fun maths questions including: - alien counting - card tricks - event x even = even - birthday probability - weighing Pi - triangular numbers - measuring square roots - handy multiplication Derrick is available to present his lecture to local schools near Coventry and Warwickshire or, using the internet, world-wide. Derrick Willer was awarded an MBE for services to Education in 2018.

    Derrick Willer
  • Eco Clubs In Schools

    Eco Clubs In Schools

    Eco Clubs Nadhim Zahawi, UK Education Secretary Of State: “Climate change to be at the heart of education.” “A new Climate Award will also be opened up to children and young people, in recognition of their work to improve the environment. A prestigious national awards ceremony will be held every year.” Schools Liaison Community Many of our community members believe that Eco Clubs can be a valuable tool for schools to encourage pupils to achieve climate change action for themselves, their families, schools and as an example to the general population. Thereby enabling the Eco Club Pupils in UK to be nominated by their school for the new Climate Award. We encourage all schools world-wide to promote Eco Clubs and suggest all governments emulate the UK Climate Award initiative. www.schoolsliaisoncommunity…

    Derrick Willer
  • IET Control and Automation Webinar 'Crash safety of electric vehicles'

    IET Control and Automation Webinar 'Crash safety of electric vehicles'

    Join us on 24th February to hear one of the IET Control and Automation Doctoral Award applicants for 2021 talk about ''Crash safety of electric vehicles' An increasing number of EVs are now flooding into our daily life, and this draws much attention from not only the professionals working in the relevant fields but also the ordinary consumers. At present, one of the most highlighted concerns is the EV safety problem. It is reported that EV accidents have killed hundreds of people over the past 10 years. Safety issues of EVs are closely related to millions of consumers' personal safety and they are important factors restricting the development of EVs. Now, ‘without safety, no future for EVs’ has become the general industry consensus [10]. Hence, to thoroughly improve the intrinsic safety of…

  • Johnny Ball Christmas Lecture 2020

    Johnny Ball Christmas Lecture 2020

    Johnny Ball is the famous TV presenter for school children and a maths guru. He presented the 2020 Christmas Lecture to Coventry and Warwickshire BCS, IMA and IET. The recording is available to inspire children world wide. For the recording please go to www.dwiller.com/Lectures.htm

    Derrick Willer
  • CEng Webinar: Routes to Professional Registration - Asia-Pacific LNs  hosted by IET Young Professional Section(YPS) Malaysia Network

    CEng Webinar: Routes to Professional Registration - Asia-Pacific LNs hosted by IET Young Professional Section(YPS) Malaysia Network

    We are delighted to invite Mr. Colin Sellers, Head of Registration and Standards at the IET, to share with us the changes for the brand new UK-SPEC. The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment (UK-SPEC) The Engineering Council is the UK’s regulatory body for the engineering profession. It operates under a Royal Charter and is governed by a Board that represents UK Licensees as well as individuals from industries and sectors with an interest in the regulation of the profession. Who UK-SPEC is for? Many different users will find this document useful. However, it has been written primarily for these audiences: Individuals who are thinking about becoming professionally registered Licensees and Professional Affiliates through which engineers and technicians…

  • Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens - Technology Behind the Artform

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Manufacturers: your Data is an Asset [Video]

    Manufacturers: your Data is an Asset [Video]

    Manufacturers should start seeing data about their products as an asset they can and should control. This was the conclusion of an international panel session at UK Construction Week in October. You can watch the session here and read a summary of the discussion in this blog post. The session was motivated by a section of ‘ Digitisation for Construction Product Manufacturers: a Plain Language Guide ’ which looks at what manufacturers should consider when working with third party data services. As manufacturers recognise the need for data expertise and demand for data services expands dramatically, what are the pitfalls that manufacturers need to negotiate if they are going to make wise investment decisions? Our panelists were: Paul Surin, Chair of Construction Products Europe…

  • Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens

    Life Through the Lens - Technology Behind the Artform

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Function existence axioms

    Function existence axioms

    Theories forment a great deal of interest to provide for a world that is often extremely abstract and seemingly contradictory while promoting funtional areas within society, it remains with empirical scrutiny whether they are consistent with the probabilistic character of quantum field descriptions of physical systems and/or guage transformations.

  • New Year Honours 2022 - Citations for Officers of the New Zealand Order of Merit (IET Auckland Local Network)

    New Year Honours 2022 - Citations for Officers of the New Zealand Order of Merit (IET Auckland Local Network)

    Dear IET New Zealand members, We are delighted to inform you that Mr. George Arulanantham, the Honorary Treasurer for the IET Auckland Local Network, has received one of the highest Honour New Zealand. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has been pleased to appoint him as an “Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit – ONZM” in recognition of my services to the community. This honour is included in the New Year Honours 2022, which was announced 5:00 AM, on Friday 31 December 2021. Please refer to the link below for details. https://dpmc.govt.nz/honours/lists/ny2022-onzm George has been involved in community work since his arrival in New Zealand over twenty years ago, initially being heavily involved in advocating and assisting refugee and migrant communities. Over the years, he has been grateful…

  • Pye Radio Exhibition in Cambridge

    Pye Radio Exhibition in Cambridge

    The Cambridge Museum of Technology are creating a temporary exhibition in 2022 to commemorate the centenary of broadcasting by the BBC and the first ten years of Pye Radios up to the first superhets. If anyone from the Cambridge network or further afield can contribute anything to the exhibition, particularly bearing in mind that the BBC broadcast from Savoy Hill from 1923 to 1932, then please contact Bob Bates at bobbates@katelan.co.uk

  • Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable - Thursday 24 February at 1830 Hrs.

    Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable - Thursday 24 February at 1830 Hrs.

    The IET Cambridge Network have arranged a talk by the Coop on Thursday 24 February at 1830 hrs. The talk will be over Zoom. Full details are availoable at https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-IET-Engineering-and-Technology-Meetup/events/279073271/ Bookings via IET systems can be made at https://localevents.theiet.org/b03946 Robert Thompson will explain how the Coop overcame challenges to increase the recyclability of own brand packaging lines from 46% in 2016 to 100% in 2021. The talk will cover how the Co-op overcame challenges in defining what ‘recyclable’ means, how they worked with over 300 suppliers to ensure the packaging of 3,000 own brand products was recyclable, how they became the market for their own recyclate, and how they developed a system for recycling flexible plastic films in…

  • Heat Pump Choices - Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs.

    Heat Pump Choices - Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs.

    The Cambridge Network have arranged a talk over Zoom for Thursday 20 January at 1830 hrs. Full details are at https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-IET-Engineering-and-Technology-Meetup/events/282819529/ A booking on IET systems can be made at https://localevents.theiet.org/67fa28 Heat pumps and saving energy in a domestic environment are frequently in the media. This webinar will help homeowners understand how heat pumps work, how they are designed and installed and why they are a good option for improving energy efficiency. We will also investigate alternative low carbon heating options and some new technology which will be followed by a Q&A with the audience. Our speaker, Warren Pope, will look at what heat pumps are available and how they work. He will also consider if heat pumps are the…

  • IET Buckinghamshire 2021 Prize

    IET Buckinghamshire 2021 Prize

    Buckinghamshire New University graduate Christian Partington receiving the IET Buckinghamshire 2021 prize. Handing over the prize to Christian are the IET Bucks’s Andrew Dodd together BNU course tutor Dr Rafid Al-Khannak. Christian received the prize for his excellent and consistently high standard of work during his BSc (Hons) Computing & Web development course. In addition, the prize was also awarded for his final year project on producing an App which gave access to recipes for people with Coeliac, Vegetarian and Vegan diets. Christian produced his App within the Android Studio environment. He decided to use XML rather than a higher-level language in order to give more control & precision of object placement & effects within his App.

    Andrew Dodd