Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • How Does The IET Support Apprentices?

    How Does The IET Support Apprentices?

    This week (3-7 March) is National Apprenticeship Week – a great chance to celebrate the UK’s apprentices and how important they are to society. The IET continues to champion apprentices and support companies in approving apprenticeships for professional registration. In the last year a number of initiatives have helped boost the profile of apprentices and apprenticeships. Read more about how the IET supports and promotes apprentices and apprenticeships . In addition to the on-going work the IET do to support apprentices an IET led electrotechnical trailblazer apprenticeship standard has received Government approval and been launched during National Apprenticeship week. Read more about the Trailblazer initiative and how the IET is working with employers to increase the standard of apprentices…

  • Call for Papers: 15th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2014)

    Call for Papers: 15th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2014)

    September 1-3 2014 University of Birmingham, U.K. www.taros.org.uk Call for papers - Paper Submission Deadline: 21 April 2014 TAROS (Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems) is aimed at the presentation and discussion of the latest results and methods in autonomous robotics research and applications. TAROS offers a friendly environment for robotics researchers and industry to take stock and plan future progress. TAROS 2014 will be held in the new Library of Birmingham. TAROS welcomes senior researchers and research students alike, and specifically provides opportunities for research students and young research scientists to present their work to the scientific community. As in previous years, all accepted papers will be included in the printed proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited…

    Joanne Longton
  • The Mawdsley Story

    The Mawdsley Story

    In 2010 Gloucestershire IET Member, Lionel Jones, published a short history of the Mawdsley Electrical Manufacturing Company of Dursley, Glos. He is selling copies in aid of IET Connect funds and the book is priced at £15 including £5 postage and packing. The Mawdsley firm no longer exists but in its time was a main supplier of electrical machines to the Royal Navy and Merchant Ships as well as special educational machines to universities and technical colleges. If you are interested in buying a copy and supporting IET Connect, your Benevolent Fund, please contact Caroline Hobden. IET Connect assists past and present members of the IET and their immediate families with a wide range of confidential advice and support including a free legal helpline, financial needs, unemployment support and…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Thameslink - Achieving Metro headways on the mainline

    Thameslink - Achieving Metro headways on the mainline

    The Railway will be holding their next event at Broadway House in London. This talk will be presented by Paul Bates , Project Director at Network Rail. The presentation will explore the need for high capacity signalling systems, why ATO and ETCS were selected for Thameslink, how the project has developed the scheme based on lessons learned from the Cambrian ERTMS early deployment scheme and how traffic management will be deployed across the Thameslink Route to support the operation. An A4 poster for this event can be downloaded online . Please share with friends, colleagues or anyone else you feel may be interested in attending. For more information and to register for this event please visit the event calendar page .

    Gemma Hadley
  • IET East Midlands Network Logo Competition

    IET East Midlands Network Logo Competition

    Your local community needs you, the IET East Midlands Network is running a competition to create its community logo. You may also find some inspiration from our and other communities… and the winning entry gets a £25 Amazon Voucher! We request that you become a member of our community in order to enter, other than that anyone is free to enter… Sign in using your usual IET login details, or register if you are not registered when loaded click ‘join’ at https://communities.theiet.org/communities/home/168 Logo Requirements : Professional: This logo will be featured on our website, with the potential to be used on other media platforms. As a result, while we want the logo to be eye-catching, it must still be legible. Theme: The logo must be individual and promote the IET East Midlands Network.…

  • F1 energy storage technology will support island grids

    F1 energy storage technology will support island grids

    F1 energy storage technology will support island grids - E & T Magazine http://t.co/BPn301njeg — Lynsay Callaghan (@IETLCallaghan) March 4, 2014

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Nominate Your Peers For A Prestigious Award!

    Nominate Your Peers For A Prestigious Award!

    The IET Australia Forum would like to invite you to nominate your peers for a Prestigious Award! There are three awards up for nomination (until March 25, 2014) as follows : The Jack Finlay Award is presented to an engineer who, by virtue of their dedication, character and professional achievements has made a significant contribution to manufacturing. The Sir Lionel Hooke Award is presented to an engineer who, by virtue of their degree of dedication, character and professional achievements has made a significant contribution to the wider profession of electrical engineering. The James N Kirby Award is presented to someone who has achieved; outstanding eminence, distinction, public recognition in any sphere of activity, not necessarily engineering. Candidates for this Award do not have to be…

    Rowan P
  • Mobile World Congress 2014

    Mobile World Congress 2014

    Mobile World Congress is the worlds largest conference and exhibition for the mobile industry. Philip Clayson, from the IET's Multimedia and Communications Network, shares his highlights from MWC2014 below: "Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2014 was alive with exciting new developments and product launches across every sector, led by an outstanding Keynote from Marc Zuckerberg talking about the WhatsApp acquisition and much more. Across MWC connected devices were widespread, from in-car systems to a massive increase in wearable technology since the Consumer Electronics Show back in January alone. The latest Samsung phone was launched during MWC, further cementing Samsung’s growing market share in the convergence of voice and video in the consumer and professional space. MWC14 had something interesting…

    Lisa Miles
  • JLB 2012: The Biggest Change In Television For A Generation.

    JLB 2012: The Biggest Change In Television For A Generation.

    As the analogue switchover nears completion and HD starts to gain an increasing prominence in the many UK homes where does television go next? Will 3D become the next must have technology or will ever larger affordable TVs drive the need for “ultra HD”? Or is television as we know it a dying medium to be eclipsed by online and mobile media consumption? In the 2012 IET John Logie Baird lecture we welcomed Peter Heslop, Director of Digital Switchover at Arqiva, José Luis Vázquez, CEO, Miranda PLC and Neil Maycock, Chief Architect, Snell. This lecture intended to capture the spirit and excitement of 2012 in the TV industry, from the launch of Youview, to L2012 and DSO. This year is a pivotal year in the UK for TV. However, the event will also look at the rapid growth and changes in TV around the…

  • A Look Back At IBC 2009

    A Look Back At IBC 2009

    Presentations from IBC 2009 Mark Waddell, Senior Research Engineer, BBC Research, presents his award winning paper on white space devices. Mark received the 2009 IBC award for the best conference paper for this contribution. Mark Waddell presents his award winning paper on white space devices Mark Waddell, Senior Research Engineer, BBC Research From: IBC 2009 2009-09-21 01:42:45.0 Communications Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend

    Lisa Miles
  • Chairman Handover and Thank You For David At Teddington Lecture - 5th March (topic: Internet For Everyone)

    Chairman Handover and Thank You For David At Teddington Lecture - 5th March (topic: Internet For Everyone)

    Fellow IET Londoners,   After years of leading the Teddington section of our London Network, David Lindsley has decided to hand over the reins to Cathryn. Rest assured, he will remain an active participant of the Teddington team, so you will not have seen the last of him. Coming Wednesday the 5 th before their event we will have a moment to thank David for all his efforts as chair and to officially welcome as new chair.   I would like to invite you all to their invite to join the celebrations and stay for their exciting lecture on ‘Internet For Everyone’. It's a delightful pub with good food, so if you arrive early you can join other members for a bite to eat as well.   I hope you see you there (don’t forget to register!),   Kind regards,   Davy Thielens IET London chairman     Internet for…

    Davy Thielens
  • March Events

    March Events

    The Northumbria Network has two great events coming up in March... 17/03/14 Battlefield Surgery This talk will look at the ways technology has supported military trauma care over the past 10 years. A poster is available to download online . 31/03/2013 Identifying problems in renewable energy networks This event will discuss a novel approach to identifying the location of power disturbances in order to ensure a high power quality supply. A poster is available to download online . Please display and share the posters where you can to help spread awareness. Don't forget to register to guarantee your place!

    Gemma Hadley
  • B17 Steam Locomotive Trust

    B17 Steam Locomotive Trust

    The IET has been approached by John Peat, one of the Directors of the B17 Steam Locomotive Trust to ascertain if any members are interested in getting involved with the project. For further details and John's contact details please see here. You can also view a copy of the Trust's Newsletter here . This is an exciting project to rebuild a locomotive that played a great role in our railway heritage and its hoped that IET members will consider getting involved with the Trust.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Your benevolent fund needs you!

    Your benevolent fund needs you!

    Dimitris Loumanis, Vice Chairman of the Central London Network is running the London Marathon on 14 April to raise money for IET Connect. We need your help to get him to his target. Without your support, IET Connect would not be able to make a difference to the lives of the IET members we support each year. If you can spare a couple of pounds please give generously . On behalf of Emily Hopkins, External Relations Manager, IET Connect

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Meeting the Challenge of Railway High Speed Lines - the SNCF Experience

    Meeting the Challenge of Railway High Speed Lines - the SNCF Experience

    The IET Central London Network have organised the above presentation to be held at the Royal Institution on 12 March 2014. For further information and how to register please see here .

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Posters for remaining events of the season

    Posters for remaining events of the season

    Posters are now available for the remainder of the 2013/2014 IET Sussex event calendar. The remaining talks are: 1st April: Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Radar Systems 15th April: Accidents that don't happen; How does IEC 61508 help? 6th May: The Birth of Satellite Outside Broadcasting 20th May: Powering the future - how different will it be? 3rd June: Satellite and Fibre Communications - a Solution for Africa We encourage members to print off and display these posters at their workplaces or education establishments! Head over to our files section for access to all shared documents, or simply click the download link on our community homepage .

    Laurence Tondelier
  • Manchester Network Award Winner - gets headhunted

    Manchester Network Award Winner - gets headhunted

    Zoe Wyeth who won the IET Manchester Network Student Excellence Award at the University of Salford's Media Campus for the Media Technology course, has recently been headhunted by CTV. Congratulations Zoe, the Network wishes you all the best for your career in the Broadcast industry.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Multiphysics simulation is all around us.

    Multiphysics simulation is all around us.

    Have you ever thought about multiphysics simulation when you’re cooking breakfast on the stove, driving with your sun-roof open, or crossing a bridge? Find out why more and more engineers and researchers are taking a multiphysics simulation approach to optimise their designs. Do you have work you would like to share with the multiphysics community? There's an opportunity to share ideas and questions with specialists and peers on 5th March 2014 at the "Modelling RF and Microwave Heating in Multiphysics" Webinar Do you plan on tuning in to this webinar? Let us know your thoughts.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Google Introduces 3D Mapping Smartphone

    Google Introduces 3D Mapping Smartphone

    Google has unveiled a new experimental smartphone capable of mapping the surroundings in 3D and in real-time. Called Project Tango, the smartphone, still in early stages of development, will soon be made available to researchers and software developers to test and develop applications. Google’s California-based Advanced Technology and Projects group has been secretly working on the device for the past year and only introduced the gadget yesterday in a video on YouTube. “Mobile devices today suppose the physical world ends at the boundaries of the screen, yet we all live in a three-dimensional world,” said project leader Johnny Lee in the video. “Our goal is to give mobile devices a human scale understanding of space and motion.” Google has collaborated with universities, research labs and industrial…

    Lisa Miles
  • Latest developments on site - IET London: Savoy Place refurbishments

    Latest developments on site - IET London: Savoy Place refurbishments

    Check out the latest video of the Savoy Place refurbishments: http://www.theiet.org/about/locations/savoy-place-upgrade/intro-video.cfm

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Thames Barrier & Floods in London

    Thames Barrier & Floods in London

    Thames Barrier & Flood in London An Environment Agency animation video showing the probable extent of tidal flooding in the River Thames, in the event of an "extreme flooding", without flood defences : Extent of Tidal Flooding in the River Thames without flood defence Thames Flood Risk to London A history of flooding on the tidal Thames Thames Barrier The Thames Barrier is part of a network of flood defences in London, designed to protect homes, businesses and nature habitats in the Thames Estuary floodplains. The network of flood defences are operated and maintained by the Environment Agency The Thames Barrier became operational in 1982. It was planned, designed and built with an expected life-cycle of 50 years, that is, until 2030. The Thames Estuary (TE) 2100 project, approved by Defra in…

  • IET release free knowledge pack for all members

    IET release free knowledge pack for all members

    Everybody loves free stuff, right? So as a token of gratitude the IET are granting all their members a free knowledge pack every year which enables you to download journals, conference articles and eBook chapters at no cost. The pack will incorporate a collection of five credits which will allow five free downloads from over 400 eBooks, over 1,300 conference publications and over 70,000 journal articles. Don’t just limit yourself to the five downloads however, by purchasing an extra pack for only £30 you will be entitled to another 25 downloads working out at just over £1 per transaction! For non-members we have a set price at £75 which will grant access to 10 downloads. To download an article simply logon to the IET’s digital library using your login details http://digital-library.theiet.org…

    Gemma Hadley
  • IET release free knowledge pack for all members

    IET release free knowledge pack for all members

    Everybody loves free stuff, right? So as a token of gratitude the IET are granting all their members a free knowledge pack every year which enables you to download journals, conference articles and eBook chapters at no cost. The pack will incorporate a collection of five credits which will allow five free downloads from over 400 eBooks, over 1,300 conference publications and over 70,000 journal articles. Don’t just limit yourself to the five downloads however, by purchasing an extra pack for only £30 you will be entitled to another 25 downloads working out at just over £1 per transaction! For non-members we have a set price at £75 which will grant access to 10 downloads. To download an article simply logon to the IET’s digital library using your login details http://digital-library.theiet.org…

    Gemma Hadley
  • IET Release Free Knowledge Pack For All Members

    IET Release Free Knowledge Pack For All Members

    Everybody loves free stuff, right? So as a token of gratitude the IET are granting all their members a free knowledge pack every year which enables you to download journals, conference articles and eBook chapters at no cost. The pack will incorporate a collection of five credits which will allow five free downloads from over 400 eBooks, over 1,300 conference publications and over 70,000 journal articles. Don’t just limit yourself to the five downloads however, by purchasing an extra pack for only £30 you will be entitled to another 25 downloads working out at just over £1 per transaction! For non-members we have a set price at £75 which will grant access to 10 downloads. To download an article simply logon to the IET’s digital library using your login details http://digital-library.theiet.org…

    Gemma Hadley