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This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • IET Built Environment Panel celebrates its projects at UK Construction Week

    IET Built Environment Panel celebrates its projects at UK Construction Week

    To celebrate the work of the IET’s Built Environment Panel a session on the UK Construction Week main stage last week looked at how bring together disparate voices can help enable change. Chaired by Su Butcher of Just Practising Limited, the session included Patricia Massey, BEAMA’s Digital and Technology Manager, alongside Paul Surin of IBM, Neil Thompson of the Construction Leadership Council (and chair of the Built Environment Panel) and Geoffrey Brown of the UK Government’s Office for Product Safety and Standards who are forming the new construction product regulator. The aim of the IET’s expert panels is to bring together different voices across engineering and beyond, to explore ideas and solutions and share these with the industry and with government, supporting their work and…

  • Meet the winners of the IET Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career Awards 2022!

    Meet the winners of the IET Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career Awards 2022!

    The Healthcare Technologies Network is delighted to announce the winners of the IET Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career Awards 2022! Our Dennis Hill Award winner is Darcy Murphy, a PhD student studying Health Informatics at the University of Manchester. Darcy’s submission ‘‘Applying Domain Adaptation Based Unlearning to a Neural Network for ECG Classification’ really impressed the judges who commented that it was ‘very good to base the project on a well-known international competition – this intrinsically places it at the start of the art.’ The IET Dennis Hill Award is awarded to the student on an MEng or MSc programme who has, during the past year, submitted the best individual project dissertation in the general field of Biomedical Engineering and cognate subjects (including…

  • Join the IET Satellites Network for their next webinar ‘Threats to Space’ with Rob Heron from Lockheed Martin Space

    Join the IET Satellites Network for their next webinar ‘Threats to Space’ with Rob Heron from Lockheed Martin Space

    15 Nov 2022 – 12.00hrs GMT For more information/Registration. Some people will remember how Cyber emerged in the 80’s and has evolved to into a major Threat driven Industry in IT today for Governments, Industry and Academia. Space is now starting that same journey. We use and are relying more on Space for our everyday lives so the issues of Space Threats starts to determine how we can protect and defend the key Space assets. Whilst Space Threats are seen as something Governments worry about to ensure protected communications, navigation and observation to support national needs they are starting to impact us more and more. In this brief Rob Heron will cover some of the ‘overt’ Space Threats we need to consider to protect our valuable resources in Space. Rob Heron is the Chief Systems…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie in Space
  • 75th anniversary of the transistor: event

    75th anniversary of the transistor: event

    Image by ArnoldReinhold - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=409337 Autumn 2022 will see the 75th Anniversary of a device that heralded the modern electronic age, the transistor. The IOP and IET are jointly organising an event to celebrate both the invention itself, its impact and the future of the transistor as a device. The day will take the format of a series of talks by leading historians and researchers taking us from the transistors beginnings to cutting edge research. The presentations will cover topics including the development of CMOS, organic electronics, 2D materials and spintronics. For more information please see the events page at the Insitute of Physics . This event is being supported by the IET History TPN.

  • Write your Will for FREE with Foothold this October

    Write your Will for FREE with Foothold this October

    Did you know that one in six of the engineers we support at Foothold is funded by a gift in a will? Of course, there’s no obligation to remember us in your will. But once the ones you care about have been provided for, we’d really appreciate it if you would support our life-changing work by pledging a gift to us. Gifts of all sizes can help make a big difference for engineers who are struggling to get by, and we really value the support that community members pledge to us in their wills – community members like Peter, IET member and Foothold supporter. “I have always valued the important work that Foothold do for our engineers like me. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, I felt very strongly about the additional efforts that Foothold would need to make to provide support for our…

    Gemma Timmis
  • IET Aerospace Technical Network - October 2022 Newsletter

    IET Aerospace Technical Network - October 2022 Newsletter

    The Aerospace TN have had an engaging and successful number of activities over the past year and would like to share i these in the attached newsletter, which you can access at the bottom of this page. At their recent committee meeting, they presented the outgoing Chair, Ray Smith with a certificate to commemorate his term of office on the TN. However, they are pleased not to be losing Ray's valuable skills and knowledge as he's stepping onto their Technical Advisory Panel. The image below shows Arnold Gad-Briggs, Chair (left) presenting Ray (right) with his certificate. In addition to Ray, the TN would also like to record their thanks to Andy Mills, David Lindley, Nadiir Bheekhun and Ricky Liew, who have also completed a term of office on the TN Executive committee.

  • Online Workshop: Measuring the Behaviour of Brake Materials More Efficiently (with TriboLab demo)

    Online Workshop: Measuring the Behaviour of Brake Materials More Efficiently (with TriboLab demo)

    Surface Ventures would like to invite members of the IET Tribology Community to join them on their next online workshop. Thursday, 13 October 2022 – 10.00hrs BST Testing friction materials for brake applications using a full-scale dynamometer is an intensive testing method, in terms of both cost and time, that requires that the brake pads and rotor be tested in their final form. Bruker has developed a rapid, cost-effective method to screen materials employed in automotive brake applications. This new technique utilizes small samples of friction materials and tests them under real brake operating conditions. Using the UMT TriboLab HD, it is now possible to test such materials in real-time and easily program industry-standard dynamometer protocols and standards, all while monitoring key parameters…

  • Manufacturing TN Committee Meeting

    Manufacturing TN Committee Meeting

    The Manufacturing Technical Network (TN) met on 30th September to progress current and planned activity. For 2022 we have a workshop planned for 1st November covering The Future of Manufacturing Automation IET Events (theiet.org) and two webinars on Digital Manufacturing being finalised. In 2023 we are very excited to be supporting an IET Annual Prize for Manufacturing apprentices. We are also planning a series of events covering the following subjects: Sustainability Challenges Enabling Technologies for Manufacturing Future Manufacturing Skills and Careers Manufacturing In Space From Mass Production to Mass Customisation Academic Directions in Manufacturing We began a new initiative today to form a Young Professionals section of our committee and we are all very enthusiastic…

  • High resolution imaging, at range workshop Feb 2022

    High resolution imaging, at range workshop Feb 2022

    On 28th February 2022 imaging experts from academia and industry met to discuss the topic of high resolution imaging at a range of 10KM. The morning was dedicated to identifying the problems, whilst the afternoon focused on potential solutions. Lead organiser of the workshop, Chris Greenway, MBDA, has written up the following notes taken during the day, Imaging performance is generally considered scalable with size. To see more detail, we ideally want a bigger camera, looking at larger object features, over a shorter distance. Unfortunately for the imaging community, this is rarely the situation on offer. To address this challenge, the IET’s Vision & Imaging Technical Network held a one-day workshop to discuss the challenges associated with High Resolution Imaging, at Range. In particular…

  • Special after dinner speaker announced for the President’s Address

    Special after dinner speaker announced for the President’s Address

    Professor Bob Cryan CBE, Vice Chancellor of the University of Huddersfield, starts his term of office as IET President next week, and we’ll be celebrating with his President’s Address on 13 October. There are two events you can take part in: At 1pm BST , tune in for a live broadcast: Engineers – holding the keys to the future of humanity. You’ll hear about Bob’s personal journey from a tough northern socially deprived estate to the youngest professor of engineering and subsequently youngest Vice Chancellor in the UK – back in his home town of Huddersfield. Bookmark the broadcast link: https://youtu.be/wZInogOVjKA Watch the trailer: https://youtu.be/kZinBeeu9j0 At 6pm BST , join us at IET London: Savoy Place for the fireside chat and President’s Dinner. We’re delighted to announce that…

  • Towards Net Zero at the British Antarctic Survey

    Towards Net Zero at the British Antarctic Survey

    The IET Cambridge Network now arranges talks and events both in-person and on Zoom. One Zoom event that may be of interest to a wider audience will be on 17 November at 1830 hrs. "The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has committed to achieving Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2040 from its direct operational activities including high impact activities such as travel and field operations. The goal is to align with aims set by the Natural Environment Council which is part of the UK government's UKRI (Research and Innovation). As part of this commitment, BAS has developed a Net Zero Carbon strategy and delivery plan and identified key milestones along the Net Zero pathway to 2040. A major series of decarbonisation projects are in the process of delivery, which include renewable energy and…

  • IET Sussex Education Officers - Supporting Schools on Their STEM Activities

    IET Sussex Education Officers - Supporting Schools on Their STEM Activities

    Our IET Sussex Network has two Education Officers, one supporting East Sussex and the other supporting West Sussex. As Education Officers, we support the different STEM activities of schools through the IET. We provide volunteers to help with the schools' STEM activities and also provide our own STEM activities such as the following: LED torch building - This activity involves the children assembling a very basic DC light circuit using a single LED bulb, two 1.5V batteries, foam core, and two polystyrene outer layers. The torch circuit is held together by the foam and a sticker. Torch building is used on an IET stand at science and STEM fairs, where many children build a torch, view exhibits and pick up IET STEM literature. Fan boats - This is an organised workshop on fan-powered boats…

  • Sussex Network Programme of Events 2022/23

    Sussex Network Programme of Events 2022/23

    The IET Sussex Network has arranged 14 talks over the 2022/23 season, from October to May. You can register for talks by going to our web site ( www.theiet.org/sussex ) and following the link under ‘Our events:’. From our home page you can also find links to the events programmes of our neighbouring IET Networks and other Professional Engineering Institutions that hold talks in our area. This season, our talks are all in-person events, being held either at the Hawth Theatre in Crawley or in the Shawcross Lecture Theatre at the University of Sussex in Falmer. The Shawcross Building is the next building down the hill from Russel Building, where we have previously held our talks. Refreshments are provided before the talks and you have a chance to chat with other members and guests. All events…

    David James
  • IET John Logie Baird Lecture at IBC

    IET John Logie Baird Lecture at IBC

    The IET Media TN organised a series of discussion panels as part of the IBC programme in Amsterdam just recently. One of the panels focussed on ATSC3.0 and the TN are pleased to be able to share some coverage of that session below.

  • Get your class celebrating Diwali with a STEM twist

    Get your class celebrating Diwali with a STEM twist

    On the 24 of October, Diwali, an incredible festival of lights, will be celebrated by many Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist families around the world. Diwali symbolises the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. This festival of lights can be celebrated in many different ways but often include fireworks, diya lamps, rangolis/kolams patterns, and of course delicious food for family and friends! To give your class the chance to take part in the celebrations, we have created fun STEM themed activities to give the hands-on science and maths activities a Diwali focus. Get your students learning about different cultures by getting them to make diyas, traditional lamps made from clay or mud that represent the triumph of light over dark, and good over evil. Students can also celebrate…

  • Tribology Webinar invitation from Surface Ventures

    Tribology Webinar invitation from Surface Ventures

    Environmentally acceptable lubricants: current challenges and future trends Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 09.00BST. In Europe, 50% of the lubricating oils end up as managed waste and the rest is either burned or exposed to the environment. In 2017, Europe consumed 6.8 billion litres of lubricants therefore, 3.4 billion litres ended up polluting the environment being a potential cause for animal and human diseases or deaths. Moreover, the global numbers reach 36 billion litres of lubricating oil consumption. Thus, there is an urgent need for a global shift from mineral lubricating oils to environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) to meet the UN sustainable goals. Switching from conventional base stocks to EALs can cause new challenges. One of the most important challenges is poor function…

  • Design and SI/PI Analysis of High-Performance Memory Systems

    Design and SI/PI Analysis of High-Performance Memory Systems

    Dr. Wendem Beyene; Analog & Mixed-Signal Architect, Facebook Inc IEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer Monday 3rd October 2022, from 3pm C1.18 Pavilion, Cavendish Building, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6UW, United Kingdom Networking from 3pm, Presentation from 4pm This presentation is free to attend, and open to all, whether you are an IEEE member, EMC Society member, or not. Advance registration is not required, but it would aid in our planning if you can indicate if you plan to attend by registering here . Further details on the topics and the speaker can also be found via the link and on the attached poster below.poster.

  • Help us improve the lives of neurodiverse engineers by joining our focus groups

    Help us improve the lives of neurodiverse engineers by joining our focus groups

    Do you have an interest in neurodiversity, specifically in engineering? Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed, support someone who has been diagnosed, or you’re simply interested in the role neurodiversity plays in engineering. If so, we need your help! We’re currently expanding the neurodiversity support we provide to our community, and we’re looking for community members to take part in special virtual focus groups to help us understand how we can best meet the needs of those who need it most. We will be hosting two focus groups this week. Register for the relevant session below to save your place and have your say on the support we provide to neurodiverse engineers and their families: Focus group 1: 15 September, 17:00-18:30 UK time (students and apprentices) Focus group 2: 16 September…

    Michael Hargreaves
  • The IET's first 6G Conference - Why 6G?

    The IET's first 6G Conference - Why 6G?

    ITU and 3GPP are yet to define what comes after 5G. It is evident that 6G will contain elements that are a natural extension of 5G and 5G-Advanced and will in some ways build on the business disruptions already being felt today. At the same time, the unique social and environmental demands being placed on future telecoms will accelerate and redirect innovation, technical and business growth across the telecoms supply chain to create some radical results. Register to join us on 5th October at Savoy Place. None of this happens in a vacuum. Changes in the telecoms sphere overlap with developments in computing, media, semiconductors, infrastructure and more. This event will bring you fresh ideas and inspiration on 6G from the leading thinkers in industry, government and academia. You’ll also…

  • Space Skills Alliance - New Projects Launch

    Space Skills Alliance - New Projects Launch

    Colleagues at the Space Skills Alliance have asked the Satellite Technical Network to share details of three new projects they have launched on 5 September. The projects are listed below along with links to further information. SpaceCRAFT i s a new space competencies framework from the Space Skills Alliance that provides a common vocabulary for alignment between education providers, employers, and employees in the space sector. The Space Training Catalogue is a new free directory of more than 400 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors curated by the Space Skills Alliance. It is free to browse and add to. The Space Skills Alliance have set out 5 Solutions to the Space Skills Gap , an action plan of things the space sector can do right now to improve its skills pipeline…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie in Space
  • IET Hackathon - Judges Required!

    IET Hackathon - Judges Required!

    We are looking for some enthusiastic volunteers to take part as a Judge in our IET YP Hackathon ! What is the Hackathon? The Hackathon is a LIVE 24 hour event in which 86 teams from around the world have signed up to take part in. It is an entirely virtual event taking place on 24-25/09/2022. Teams have chosen whether they would like to focus on Infrastructure or Software with their solution. They will be set a challenge in which they must come up with a solution to tackle the issue of ‘Dirty Data’ through carbon emissions. This solution, within the Infrastructure stream, could develop the mechanical architecture of a clever cooling solution for data centres. Within the Software stream, teams could create user-friendly software that helps companies manage their data consumption or even…

  • Royal Aeronautical Society forthcoming events - September to November 2022

    Royal Aeronautical Society forthcoming events - September to November 2022

    Colleagues in the Royal Aeronautical Society would like to share details of their forthcoming events. RAeS Applied Aerodynamics Conference – 13-15 September 2022 Greener by Design specialist group event on ‘The non-CO2 climate effects of aviation’ – 20-21 September 2022 RAeS Conference on ‘The alignment of ATM and U-Space/UTM’ – 11-12 October 2022 President’s Conference: New Space – 18-19 October 2022 RAeS Conference: A Bright Future or Fighting for Survival - Where will Aerospace be in 2035 and Beyond? – 29-30 November 2022

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie in Space
  • NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Evolving Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: New AI techniques for real-time interventions

    NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Evolving Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: New AI techniques for real-time interventions

    NEW BOOK/EBOOK! Congratulations to Book Editors, Abhishek Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, Surbhi Bhatia, Swarn Avinash Kumar and Dac-Nhuong Le and to all the chapter contributors on the publication of this new IET book: Evolving Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: New AI techniques for real-time interventions. About the Book A major use of practical predictive analytics in medicine has been in the diagnosis of current diseases, particularly through medical imaging. Now there is sufficient improvement in AI, IoT and data analytics to deal with real time problems with an increased focus on early prediction using machine learning and deep learning algorithms. With the power of artificial intelligence alongside the internet of 'medical' things, these algorithms can input the characteristics/data…

  • Take your students back to Ancient Greece with our new STEM themed resources

    Take your students back to Ancient Greece with our new STEM themed resources

    We’ve published a new set of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) themed resources to take students back to 700-480 B.C. View our collection here: Ancient Greece resources. These ancient Greece activities for KS1 and KS2 are mapped to the curricula with lesson plans and presentations alongside printables, to have everything you need to hand. Whether students are working with scale to produce drawings, applying Pythagoras Theorem, or measuring time using water, there will be tons of Eureka moments! See descriptions and links below: 1. Ancient Greek mathematics This activity, which combines maths and history, will introduce students to the concept of scale and teach students facts about how the ancient Greeks have affected modern life. Download for free > 2. Density using…