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  • Payment Mechanisms ..of Things !

    Payment Mechanisms ..of Things !

    Hybrid collaboration services like Payments using Mobile, In-store or Web allow a strong national reach of transactions. Mobile network operators offer the same where MS enables mobile money to transact even over NFC & Rf Id systems. These mechanisms though disruptive are new fresh and innovative methods of doing the same barter style transaction.   The newer payment methods are effectively digital representations of transactions. It allows speedy transactions at a convenience pace. The lack of brick or retail outlets do not stop the digital transactions and so not only encourages casual spending but also greater use of mobile networks. In an instant, the transfer of money can be person to person. The mobile wallet allows a seamless integration method that further fuels value add transactions…

    Rimesh Patel
  • The Future Of Energy Storage

    The Future Of Energy Storage

    The hot topic of energy storage was the focus of a recent IET event hosted by the Power Systems and Equipment (PS&E) network. The technical and professional network (TPN) organised an evening seminar with sector specialist Stewart Reid, who works as Future Networks Manager for Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) Power Distribution. An expert in this field, Stewart, an IET Fellow, leads the SSE team dedicated to developing the company’s networks and operations, as well as supporting a low carbon future. Stewart’s talk covered the various options of energy storage, looking at what is and isn’t working. He discussed research past and present, the challenges faced and the possible solutions being developed and piloted right now. Energy storage technologies and requirements “Energy storage is not…

    Gemma Hadley
  • The Mawdsley Story

    The Mawdsley Story

    In 2010 Gloucestershire IET Member, Lionel Jones, published a short history of the Mawdsley Electrical Manufacturing Company of Dursley, Glos. He is selling copies in aid of IET Connect funds and the book is priced at £15 including £5 postage and packing. The Mawdsley firm no longer exists but in its time was a main supplier of electrical machines to the Royal Navy and Merchant Ships as well as special educational machines to universities and technical colleges. If you are interested in buying a copy and supporting IET Connect, your Benevolent Fund, please contact Caroline Hobden at chobden@theiet.org IET Connect assists past and present members of the IET and their immediate families with a wide range of confidential advice and support including a free legal helpline, financial needs, unemployment…

    Lisa Miles
  • ICE presents the Presenting the Great Western Electrification

    ICE presents the Presenting the Great Western Electrification

    The Institution of Civil Engineers is hosting an event called Great Western Electrification on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 18.00 (Refreshments) for 18.30 at Reading Town Hall, Blagrave Street, Reading RG1 1QH During this presentation our speaker will talk about the electrification of the Western Route, discussing the technical challenges of breaking in a new system, making it work in the timescale, to a budget and over the distance without hitting anything! This includes technical interfaces with the wires, piles, bridges, tunnels and track. It will update the route for the new Intercity Express trains and future freight requirements. Martin Veale of Network Rail has been the Project Engineer (Track) on the Electrification Project since September 2013. Prior to that he worked on Crossrail…

    Dooshiant Dyall
  • Anglian Coastal Local Network Committee 2014-2015 Session

    Anglian Coastal Local Network Committee 2014-2015 Session

    Chairman David Bryant Vice Chair Alex Barrett Treasurer Mick Mehler Secretary Alex Barrett Community Relationship Manager Robert Allen

    Alex Barrett
  • FUNcube Launch

    FUNcube Launch

    Following on from last night's FUNcube talk, here's a clip of the launch of this tiny satellite, aimed at schools STEM topics promotion.

    Alex Barrett
  • Previous MPG Events

    Previous MPG Events

    PREVIOUS EVENTS Future energy scenarios - National Grid Come and be engaged with National Grid and the future energy scenarios. Lecture 25 November 2014, Birmingham HVDC and Power Applications of Nano-materials Nano-materials and their application as electrical insulating materials have been eagerly anticipated in the light of exciting laboratory developments globally. However, translation to engineering practise has not yet met early expectations. This lecture will examine the promising attributes of nano-materials and the factors that make them attractive as new materials technologies. Lecture 01 Oct 2014, Staffordhire University. Register here . CCS - a must-have to beat climate change Carbon Capture and Storage is the only way we can reduce CO2 emissions and keep fossil fuels in the UK…

  • Prof Arvind Kumar's Presentation

    Prof Arvind Kumar's Presentation

    For those of you who could no make the event, attached is the presentation the Prof Kumar gave a couple of weeks ago.

    Allan Casey
  • Popularity Of Defense In Depth Strategies (DiD's)

    Popularity Of Defense In Depth Strategies (DiD's)

    The need for Defense in Depth strategies, DiD's, are becoming more commonplace not only internally across global companies but also now span across different industries in different DiDs flavours. They allow the organisational units of the distant past AD Domain's to be refined into required business units, such as the GPO's. Microsoft's AD structure gave holistic options with domain activities on an operational level, it also by its own existence, identified gaps in domains that were not really focusing on business goals. Over the years, the gaps were patched, filled, taped and or glued, but in most cases the logged-discoursed gave the need for a new breed of monitoring technology. Provided you had none of the mentioned gaps, SIEM platforms for example, enabled you to take any vendor logic…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Popularity Of Defense In Depth Strategies (DiD's)

    Popularity Of Defense In Depth Strategies (DiD's)

    The need for Defense in Depth strategies, DiD's, are becoming more commonplace not only internally across global companies but also now span across different industries in different DiDs flavours. They allow the organisational units of the distant past AD Domain's to be refined into required business units, such as the GPO's. Microsoft's AD structure gave holistic options with domain activities on an operational level, it also by its own existence, identified gaps in domains that were not really focusing on business goals. Over the years, the gaps were patched, filled, taped and or glued, but in most cases the logged-discoursed gave the need for a new breed of monitoring technology. Provided you had none of the mentioned gaps, SIEM platforms for example, enabled you to take any vendor logic…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Nomad Digital to undertake Wi-Fi upgrade on the Virgin Trains fleet

    Nomad Digital to undertake Wi-Fi upgrade on the Virgin Trains fleet

    Nomad Digital, the global leader in wireless on-board passenger services, have recently signed a contract with Virgin Trains to undertake a fleet-wide WiFi upgrade. The Nomad upgrade will be deployed on 56 Pendolinos delivering up to 12MBPS transmitting speed and on the 20 Super-Voyager trains 8MBPS and will also offer improved connection availability across the routes. The upgrade is scheduled for completion during the summer of 2015 and marks one of the largest UK train connectivity deployments to date. For further details on this article please click here .

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • US Military Space Plane Returns to Earth

    US Military Space Plane Returns to Earth

    An unmanned US place has recently landed in California following a top-secret, two-year mission to space. The Orbital Test Vehicle or X-37B has spent 674 days orbiting around the planet. Although it was the plane's third space flight, its mission remains shrounded in mystery. For more information on this article on the BBC website click here .

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • From Gargarin To Space Tourism

    From Gargarin To Space Tourism

    Community members may be interested in the following content which was recorded at the Aerospace TPN event on Achievements in Space From Gargarin to Space Tourism. The lecture covered the following topics: History of man's interest Developments in propulsion systems for space Space tourism; what can be achieved and technology challenges to overcome Current and future satellite projects Importance of continued British involvement in the space industry View the presentations below Virgin Galactic: from dream to reality Will Whitehorn: Former President of Virgin Galactic and Chairman of Loewy Group 2011-11-21 | Transport Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend Access to space: what have we achieved in the 50 years since Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin? What might we see in the next 50 years?…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Yuri Gagarin - Space Lectures

    Yuri Gagarin - Space Lectures

    The Aerospace TPN organised a Yuri Gargarin evening in 2011 to celebrate 50 years of manned space flight and the lecture programme explored the past, present and future space possibilties. The lectures were filmed for IET.tv, so if you've yet had an opportunity to watch these, you may be interested in the content below. Yuri Gagarin - His part in my career John Zarnecki 2011-04-06 | Transport Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend Yuri Gagarin Lecture: A celebration of manned space flight - past, present and future Dr Christopher Riley 2011-04-06 | Transport Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend Yuri Gagarin Lecture: A celebration of manned space flight - past, present and future Dr David Willliams 2011-04-06 | Transport Channel >> go to webcast >> recommend to friend

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Nokia Sensing Xchallenge

    Nokia Sensing Xchallenge

    A team from Imperial College has reached the final of a very prestigious international competition - the Nokia Sensing Xchallenge . The challenge is a $2.25 million global technology competition run by the XPRIZE foundation. The winners of this competition are going to be chosen by a judging panel after a live event which will take place in Los Angeles. However, part of the final mark will be determined by public voting of videos which have just appeared online. The team are the only UK team in the final and one of only two EU entries. Please support the team and help them get as many votes as possible, either by voting yourself, or by spreading the word! Vote here http://bit.ly/10gScyw

    Joanne Longton
  • Industrial control systems and SCADA cyber-security

    Industrial control systems and SCADA cyber-security

    Hackers are now directing their activities toward the technology commonly found in power stations, factories and other infrastructural facilities. Engineers tasked with managing these systems must understand the rising risk, and ensure that safeguards are implemented. Awareness of the cyber-security risks inherent in industrial control systems (ICSs) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems has been growing since Stuxnet, the first publicly-known malware to specifically target these classes of technology, first appeared in June 2010. The 'reconnaissance' malware launched by Energetic Bear group (aka 'Dragonfly'), just over four years later, highlighted the continuing business risk to engineers, technologists and (potentially) executive boards responsible for the management…

  • Public consultation for the solar PV Code of Practice

    Public consultation for the solar PV Code of Practice

    The Draft for Public Comment stage for the IET Code of Practice for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems is now open, and the closing date for receipt of comments is Friday, 7th November 2014. The draft document and the comments form for feedback can be found online . Please send completed feedback forms back to Ian Borthwick at the IET. [NB: Further information and latest bibliographic details are also available on the product page here .]

    Gemma Hadley
  • Public Consultation For The Solar PV Code Of Practice

    Public Consultation For The Solar PV Code Of Practice

    The Draft for Public Comment stage for the IET Code of Practice for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems is now open, and the closing date for receipt of comments is Friday, 7th November 2014. The draft document and the comments form for feedback can be found online . Please send completed feedback forms back to Ian Borthwick at the IET. [NB: Further information and latest bibliographic details are also available on the product page here .]

    Gemma Hadley
  • **  Speaker Opportunities - University Of Huddersfield,  Leeds And Bradford **

    ** Speaker Opportunities - University Of Huddersfield, Leeds And Bradford **

    Hello, One of the Senior Lecturers at the University of Huddersfield has advised that she is in the process of finalising the programme of events for the period January - May 2015 and has asked if we have any female members that would like to get involved. The intention is to organise three events at the University of Huddersfield, Leeds and Bradford (2 speakers at each university) that focus on the keys to becoming successful engineers - Please see the file attached for an example of events that we organised with these universities earlier this year. Further details will follow but at this stage, we would like to get an idea of who would be interested in this opportunity. Deadline for entries is Friday 31st October 2014 but the events won't take place until Jan - May 2015 Please e-mail womensnetwork…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Lockheed Martin developing compact fusion reactor

    Lockheed Martin developing compact fusion reactor

    Lockheed Martin has announced that that it would test a compact fusion reactor in less than a year, build a prototype in five years and deploy the system in 10 years. However, some scientists are skeptical . Here is CNET's take on the news.

    Allan Casey
  • DRAFT IET Northumbria network programme for the 2014-15 session

    DRAFT IET Northumbria network programme for the 2014-15 session

    The following link is to the DRAFT IET Northumbria network programme for the 2014-15 session. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuqBe2LnQz5idGQtUHRwLVVtUy1qV21ZY0NrY3FTM3c&usp=sharing Please note that it is a work in progress and may be updated by the committee at any time. If you would like to contribute any suggestions for the programme, then please do and I will pass them on to the committee. If you would like to join the committee which meets quarterly at Northumbria University then you would be most welcome. Currently there are vacancies for Assistant Secretary, Professional Registration Advisor. Please post any enquiries to this forum.

    Tom Fry
  • Fellow Networking Event “Mind The Gap”

    Fellow Networking Event “Mind The Gap”

    4 th December, Royal College of GPs, 30 Euston Square, London A discussion on the UK and Worldwide gender and general skills gap in engineering/technology and our role in tackling this as IET Fellows. Kindly note, you do not have to be fellow of the IET to attend this event. However, If you are interested in Fellowship, then this may be a good starting pount for you. Please e-mail womensnetwork@theiet.org to register your interest Programme 09.30 Registration and Refreshments 10.00 Welcome and Introduction Suzanne Flynn 10:15 TBD William Webb IET President 10.30 Defining the Gap, it is not just a gender issue TBD Professor John Perkins 11.15 ‘Sticky Notes’ (attendees write on sticky notes why they became engineers/technologist and who or what influenced them) exercise followed by refreshments…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • IET Aerospace TPN SESAR Event,Toulouse 31st October 2014

    IET Aerospace TPN SESAR Event,Toulouse 31st October 2014

    Dear IET Member living in France, and particularly in the Toulouse area The IET Aerospace TPN are holding a technical symposium regarding the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme, at the end of this month. It promises to be of interest to anyone involved in, or interested in, European air traffic management. The attached file gives details about the event, and registration details. If any members are interested in holding regular events in Toulouse, please let me know, either by mail, or by commenting on the blog.

    Phil Dunbar
  • Register to vote

    Register to vote

    Dear IET Member living in France I have been asked by the British Community Committee to forward this flyer about your right to vote in UK elections, and how to register. BR Phil Dunbar

    Phil Dunbar