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  • Sussex Local Network CPD Certificates 2021/22

    Sussex Local Network CPD Certificates 2021/22

    Below you will find the CPD certificates for our 2021/22 season of technical talks. Click on the 'Attached file' text, download the pdf file and add your name using your pdf viewer. Date of talk Title of talk Attached file Tuesday 26th October How to use light to make aircraft lighter How to use light to make aircraft lighter Tuesday 2nd November 6G Wireless: A New Strategic Direction 6G Wireless Tuesday 16th November Can Artificial Intelligence help make our critical infrastructure more resilient? AI Infrastructure Tuesday 7th December Advanced Manufacturing Techniques to accelerate Small Modular Reactor Deployment SMR Manufacture Tuesday 11th January Antennas in Laptops Tablets and Foldable Devices Antennas in Laptops Tuesday…

    David James
  • Welcome to IET EngX

    Welcome to IET EngX

    IET EngX is the new and improved professional online resource that connects you to other engineers throughout the world to call on for help during your career when you need it most. Log in with your usual IET log in details at https://engx.theiet.org to create your community profile. Select your interests and specialisms so you can personalise the content you see on your homepage. When you log in, you’ll see a personalised activity feed on your homepage containing content from all around the community related to the interests you’ve selected. Updating your interests is easy. Visit your profile and select ‘edit’ to amend your technical interests and specialisms as well as share a little more about yourself in your biography Research shows that early career engineers are turning to search…

    Evanna Gale
  • Digitisation For Construction Product Manufacturers (IET SEP Team)

    Digitisation For Construction Product Manufacturers (IET SEP Team)

    "You first need to digitise your unstructured data" explained Su Butcher from the Editorial Board, at the 'Digitisation For Construction Product Manufacturers' panel discussion webinar organised by the IET SEP Team and thefis.org. Su discussed the importance of digitisation and cited examples on how manufacturers can help organisations become empowered to take control of their data assets. Paul Surin, Global Lead Built Enviromint & Engineering Construction operations at IBM, highlighted digitisation is a cultural change for the entire organisation, not just the technical departments. Manufactures are looking at methods for commercial imperatives and your organisation needs to be ready to take advantages of new ecosystems that are being developed. Patricia Masset, Digital and Technology Manager…

    Rimesh Patel
  • Join our network that brings manufacturing digital technologies and sustainability together

    Join our network that brings manufacturing digital technologies and sustainability together

    Take part in our new campaign that highlights the importance of manufacturing digital technologies to reach our sustainability goals.   To move manufacturing towards a circular economy, data and digital technologies will play a key role. A circular economy ensures that waste is eliminated, resources are reused, and environmental harm is minimised. Digital technologies in manufacturing can; help scale-up productivity and emissions improvements in-factory; build resilience in supply chains and production in the face of global disruption, and design better products with materials that are reusable and recyclable. Our new initiative advocates for digital technology that not only improves efficiency but helps us reach our net zero and sustainability goals. To do this, we are creating a network to…

    IET Policy Editorial
  • CEng Seminar – Part 4: UK SPEC 4

    CEng Seminar – Part 4: UK SPEC 4

    CEng Seminar – Part 4: UK SPEC 4 Date: 27 November 2021 Time: 8pm -9:10pm (AEDT) Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart; 5pm - 6:10pm (AWST) Perth; 7:30pm - 8:40pm (ACDT) Adelaide, Darwin Guest speaker: Mr. Colin Sellers                          Head of Registration and Standards at the IET Panelist: EUR ING Deon Rowley                 Chairperson of IET New South Wales Local Network The Engineering Council is the UK’s regulatory body for the engineering profession. It operates under a Royal Charter and is governed by a Board that represents UK Licensees as well as individuals from industries and sectors with an interest in the regulation of the profession. Who UK-SPEC is for? Many different users will find this document useful. However, it has been written primarily for these audiences…

    Alison Siu
  • 2021 Online Event Replays And Resources

    2021 Online Event Replays And Resources

    This article lists all available replays and resources from Berkshire's online events during 2021. Topics include 5G, AI, Medical, and Renewable energy. Building back better: How robotics and automation could help the recovery of the UK on 23rd Sept., 2021 The replay of this webinar is now available on both Vimeo and YouTube The use of ultrasound waves in therapeutic drug delivery , 16th September, 2021 The replay of this webinar is now available on YouTube Ethical Engineering in the Arms Industry on 29th July, 2021 The replay of this webinar is now available on both Vimeo and YouTube Marine Radar: Radar electronics for leisure marine radars on 15th July, 2021 Click here to see a replay of the webinar Battery Storage in the…

    Keith Blackmun
  • Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Galen Aymar - The ISIS Linac Tank 4 Replacement

    Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Galen Aymar - The ISIS Linac Tank 4 Replacement

    Today's speaker hightlight is on Galen Aymar.   Bio Galen Aymar is the Accelerator Design Group Leader at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, working with his group on numerous projects involving repairs, upgrades and R&D for the ISIS proton synchrotron. Previously Galen spent more than ten years in private industry designing RF amplifiers used in accelerators. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.Sc. in Physics.   Synopsis The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source utilises a linear accelerator comprised of 4 drift tube linac tanks. The fourth of these tanks has reached its end-of-life and requires replacement. This talk will review the history of the tank, the design process for the new tank and the efforts required to build and install the new tank, which is currently being done during a…

  • Do you have an electric car or are you a first line responder to EV incidents?

    Do you have an electric car or are you a first line responder to EV incidents?

    Together with colleagues in the IET Publishing and Standards team the ARTS TN have put together this useful and informative free guide. Download the guide and let us have your comments in this blog.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Brunei Darussalam Network Community History

    IET Brunei Darussalam Network Community History

    As part of IET 150th Anniversary, IET Brunei Darussalam Network has shared their story from the earliest days and formation to key network events and people, awards, and much more. IET Brunei Darussalam Network was founded on 29th November 1997 whereby it was officiated by IEE President John Taylor at its inaugural ceremony. As of November 2020, IET Brunei Darussalam Network has a total of 115 members comprising of individuals from various sectors from the government agencies as well as the private sectors. The current Honorary Chairman of IET Brunei Darussalam Network, Ir. Haji Jailani bin Haji Buntar, reiterated that "Our mission remains as relevant as ever to advance and share knowledge that contributes to our national development by building open, flexible and unlimited knowledge network…

    Aminuddin Yussof
  • Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Mike Nunn - Progress Towards High Integrity RF Cavity Manufacture In The UK

    Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Mike Nunn - Progress Towards High Integrity RF Cavity Manufacture In The UK

    Speaker highlight this week features Mike Nunn from TWI. Synopsis  TWI primarily works in research, development and consultancy, but also regularly steps into the manufacturing domain. We have bridged supply chain deficiencies for low volume applications, where high value adding processes are required, many times for a range of industry sectors. This presentation will include details of ongoing work to put in place a viable manufacture route for large superconducting niobium RF cavities.  Bio Mike Nunn is the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Group, Operations Manager, at TWI Limited. Mike is a Fellow of both the IMechE and the Welding Institute, a Chartered and European Engineer. TWI supports industry and collaborates with academia to address a wide range of engineering and materials science…

    Joanne Longton
  • Manufacturers’ Plain Language Guide – Events And Webinars Update

    Manufacturers’ Plain Language Guide – Events And Webinars Update

    Following the successful launch of the guide to digitisation at UK Construction Week in October, the Editorial Board have been invited to speak at a number of trade association and manufacturers events over the coming months. Here is our summary of the launch and what’s coming up. Press Release The IET have published a press release about the guide featuring endorsements from Dame Judith Hackitt and James Talman (CEO of the National Federation of Roofing Contractors). Read it here: Manufacturers must embrace digitisation to ensure safer construction industry Guide Launch Event 6 November UK Construction Week The Guide was launched at an oversubscribed session at UK Construction Week at the NEC on 6th October. You can download it here. The guide is available in a full 40-page version and as…

    ManufacturersPLG Team
  • Sussex Local Network Events Programme 2021/22

    Sussex Local Network Events Programme 2021/22

    Upcoming events can be found on our Sussex LN home page , but if you would like to see our full programme of events, along with some events from other Professional Engineering Institutions, then we have a joint events programme booklet in pdf form. You can look ahead and mark those that you don't want to miss. You can download or view it by clicking on View below.

    David James
  • The IET Queensland Local Network / Engineers Australia Student Presentation Competition

    The IET Queensland Local Network / Engineers Australia Student Presentation Competition

    Congratulations for successful event????! The IET Queensland Local Network / Engineers Australia Student Presentation Competition was held in Engineers Australia Brisbane Office last night. The winner is Russell Withers from James Cook University? The other students gave great presentations, that included: - Somayeh Hussaini from QUT (Queensland University of Technology) - Macaulay Renaud from CQUniversity  - Kieran Reitano from University of Southern Queensland The annual IET technical competition has young engineers in the industry and engineering students from the six Queensland universities use their presentation skills in relation to engineering projects and ideas. The candidates gave a fifteen-minute presentation on the engineering or technology subject of their choice, followed by a…

    Alison Siu
  • CPD Certificate For Bucks LN Presentation On Leonhard Euler Given By Robin Wilson (Open University)

    CPD Certificate For Bucks LN Presentation On Leonhard Euler Given By Robin Wilson (Open University)

    Go to Bucks LN "Files" for the CPD certificate for the Bucks LN presentation on Leonhard Euler given by Robin Wilson (Open University)CPD certificate for Bucks LN presentation on Leonhard Euler given by Robin Wilson (Open University)

    Andrew Dodd
  • Schrodinger's Car YouTube recording

    Schrodinger's Car YouTube recording

    The recording of last week's webinar - 'Schrodinger's Car - are Hybrids a real or imaginary solution ?' will be available to view on YouTube from 08.00 on October 25th. The link is :  https://youtu.be/U0llNUOp844

    A.C. Cunningham (Colin)
  • NVIDIA Powers The AI Revolution (IET Cambridge Local Network)

    NVIDIA Powers The AI Revolution (IET Cambridge Local Network)

    Timothy Lanfear, NVIDIA’s European solution architecture and engineering team, gave an account of what Artificial Intelligence means for hardware processing and how it will be pivotal going forward to all industries, at the IET Cambridge Local Network webinar evening lecture. He started the lecture by explaining how from the starting point of computer graphics for single computer use, we are all now in a position where we have multiple digital devices that we expect to do multiple different things. Our digital requirements and experiences have changed, all the way from, gaming, health care, robotics, smart cities, automation and IOT that all are ready for hardware enhancement with the use of A.I. He spoke about how beyond hardware, and by moving further up the stack can we fully take advantage…

    Rimesh Patel
  • CPD Certificate - To 5G And Beyond

    CPD Certificate - To 5G And Beyond

    Go to Bucks LN "Files" for the CPD Certificate for "To 5G and beyond ..." Bucks LN 21/10/2021CPD Certificate - To 5G and beyond; a Bucks LN talk held on 21st October 2021

    Andrew Dodd
  • Keynote Speaker - Annual Event 2021 - "Present State Of The Engineering Design And Challenges For The Electron Ion Collider" By Joseph E. Tuozzolo PE

    Keynote Speaker - Annual Event 2021 - "Present State Of The Engineering Design And Challenges For The Electron Ion Collider" By Joseph E. Tuozzolo PE

    Joseph will present a snap shot of the engineering effort to design the new collider and some of the engineering, cost, and schedule challenges. Joseph Tuozzolo is the Technical System Division Head for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC), Chief Mechanical Engineer for Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD), and the Level 2 Cost Account Manager for EIC Accelerator Systems.  During his 41 years at Brookhaven National Laboratory, he has been involved in the design, development, and installation of vacuum, magnet, and instrumentation systems for all of the accelerators in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider/C-AD complex.  Joseph was the BNL mechanical engineering lead for the Spallation Neutron Source project responsible for the accumulator ring and beam transfer lines.  Recently, he has been the…

    Joanne Longton
  • Join Us Live On YouTube: The Upper World Q&A With Author Femi Fadugba

    Join Us Live On YouTube: The Upper World Q&A With Author Femi Fadugba

    On 2 November, we will be joined by Femi Fadugba to talk about his debut novel The Upper World, a sci-fi thriller that was inspired by Femi’s own experiences of holding a Quantum Physics Masters juxtaposed with living on a London estate. Book your place now. Brought together through the love of reading, the IET's new virtual club looks at STEM related books written by contemporary authors. With each episode, host Mark Reynard speaks with the author to go beyond their book and find out what inspired them. Join the live Q&A session for you, the audience, to ask your questions and find out what you want to know. For the next episode on 2 November, we will be joined by Femi Fadugba to talk about his debut novel The Upper World, a sci-fi thriller that was inspired by Femi’s own experiences of holding…

    Matt Smith
  • What's in a Borehole ?

    What's in a Borehole ?

    The recording of our latest webinar, 'What's in a Borehole ?' presented by Ian Pigram on September 15th is now available on YouTube. The link is :- https://youtu.be/sufuAQzXvsg "What's in a Borehole? From hydrocarbon to low carbon - Petroleum and Energy Supply"

    A.C. Cunningham (Colin)
  • Phil Corbishley and 5G

    Phil Corbishley and 5G

    We are holding our first "live" event (since February 2020) this Thursday, 21st October. Book via IET Events, or IET Buckinghamshire to hear Phil Corbishley speak about "5G and beyond"

    Andrew Dodd
  • 2020 IET Buckinghamshire Local Network Prize

    2020 IET Buckinghamshire Local Network Prize

    Vitor Cardoso, a graduate of Buckinghamshire New University, receiving the 2020 IET Buckinghamshire Local Network Prize Vitor Cardoso, a graduate of Buckinghamshire New University, receiving the 2020 IET Buckinghamshire Local Network Prize immediately after the deferred 2020 graduation ceremony in September 2021.  The IET Buckinghamshire Local Network Prize is a cash prize awarded annually to a graduate of the Bucks New University in High Wycombe.  Handing over the commemorative certificate to Vitor is Andrew Dodd, one of the committee members for the IET Local Network.   The 2020 prize was given in recognition of Vítor's excellent and consistently high standard of work during his studies, academic performance on his course, and Outstanding Performance in his Final Year project.  He was taking…

    Andrew Dodd
  • Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Rob Edgecock  - "The ESS RF Distribution System - Completion Of One Of The First Large In-kind Contributions"

    Speaker Highlight - Annual Event 2021 - Rob Edgecock - "The ESS RF Distribution System - Completion Of One Of The First Large In-kind Contributions"

    Today's speaker highlight features Professor Rob EdgecockThe European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, and is one of the largest scientific infrastructure projects in the world. About 30% of the total construction cost is being supplied as in-kind contributions from more than 40 European partners, including the UK, and from others world-wide. This presentation will give an overview of the ESS and its purpose and describe the current construction status. It will also describe one of the UK in-kind contributions, the RF distribution system. This is now finished and is one of the largest in-kind contributions to complete so far. Speaker Bio Rob Edgecock is Professor of Accelerator Applications at the University of Huddersfield, having previously also worked…

    Joanne Longton
  • Achieving Net Zero and more equitable transport systems by 2030 16th October 2021, Glasgow Caledonian University

    Achieving Net Zero and more equitable transport systems by 2030 16th October 2021, Glasgow Caledonian University

    Mobility Camp (previously Transport Planning Camp) is an annual unconference that brings together transport planners, modellers, engineers, technologists, social activists, academics and others interested in discussing and coming up with solutions to ongoing challenges in the transport sector. Tickets -  https://mobilitycamp.co.uk/  2021 Theme This years theme is  'Achieving Net Zero and more equitable transport systems by 2030.'  The transport sector knows what it needs to do in order to achieve Net Zero emissions, and more equitable outcomes for society. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the current challenges our world faces in a more urgent light - we have no more time for talk about doing something. So at this years Mobility Camp we want to look at  radical decarbonisation of how we get around…

    Lynsay Callaghan