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  • The IET Yorkshire & Humber Region Presige Lecture - Stepping into the screen using virtual reality

    The IET Yorkshire & Humber Region Presige Lecture - Stepping into the screen using virtual reality

    This years Yorkshire and Humber region prestige lecture will take a look at the exciting new world of virtual reality. Annabeth Robinson, Senior Lecturer on MA Creative Practice Leeds Arts University will be giving this years lecture at The Rose Bowl at 7pm on 8th November. Refreshments available from 6:15pm Since the launch of the Occulus Rift virtual reality headset in 2014, there has been a reinvirgoration of interest in virtual reality. Leading the way is the world of video games, film making and social media, pushing the boundaries of immersive storytelling and creative workflows. Virtual reality games like Minecraft and VR Apps such as Tilt Brush and Google Blocks are giving new opportunities to develop creativity and making skills. Is this the Meccano of the future? This event a free…

    Oliver Clarke
  • Feed back on BBC Micro:bit project

    Feed back on BBC Micro:bit project

    It looks as if we have some very keen and enthused teachers for this project.  Feedback thus far has been excellent, and attached is a better photograph and a letter from Steven Evraire which mentions a number of essential metrics for the project.

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Humans Of The IET YP - Ian Manton

    Humans Of The IET YP - Ian Manton

    It turns out I was well received as Digital Marketing Officer so I'm still here. There were a few other mixups in the WA IET YP Committee with only Israa remaining of the old guard as Chairperson. I would like to get a head start on the new committee and introduce our new Secretary: Ian Manton . Ian is an alumnus of the 2017 Leadership Programme where he was part of the CanStruction project , MC'd PATW , and featured loudly in the IET x Robogals Quiz Night. He was Merchandise Officer in the 2017 Committee, and, in addition to his secretary role, is Social Events and Welfare Coordinator in the 2018 Committee Ian is a mechatronics student who joined the IET following a few friends from uni and hearing good things from them. He also heckled the host of the 2016 PATW with bad puns. Let's get to…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • New Event Alert - Novel RF Materials And Manufacturing Techniques For Antennas

    New Event Alert - Novel RF Materials And Manufacturing Techniques For Antennas

    We have a new TPN event confirmed – Novel RF Materials and Manufacturing Techniques for Antennas This is a brand new two day event held in Birmingham. During the two days you will hear from research into the design of novel materials, such as metamaterials, with an emphasis on fabrication limitations and on the development of novel manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing.   Some of the speakers we have confirmed for the day are:   Prof Shuang Zhang, University of Birmingham Prof Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Loughborough University Dr. Patrick Bradley, Dublin City University   Registration is now OPEN ! Spcaes are limited so make sure to get your tickets quickly     Date: 7-8 th February 2018 Location: Austin Court, Birmingham, UK

    Former Staff Member
  • ‘Nanotechnology For The IT Industry’, Binnig + Rohrer Nanotechnology Center BRNC / IBM Research Labs, Ruschlikon, ZH (Switzerland)

    ‘Nanotechnology For The IT Industry’, Binnig + Rohrer Nanotechnology Center BRNC / IBM Research Labs, Ruschlikon, ZH (Switzerland)

    ...Come along to this wonderful event about Nanotechnology for the IT Industry, on Monday 13th November, 2017...   Agenda : 16:00 Presentation of nanotechnology for the IT industry ( Dr. Roland Germann).  - The presentation 'Nanotechnology for the IT industry' will review how much nanotechnology is already used today in Si CMOS chips and how far this technology can lead us. An outlook will be given for alternative computing systems, namely Quantum Computers and Neuromorphic Systems.   16:30  Tour of the Binnig Rohrer Nanotechnology Center BRNC – ( Dr. Roland Germann ).  During the lab tour we will have a look at the  Binnig Rohrer Nanotechnology Center (BRNC) , our state-of-the-art technology infrastructure to perform leading edge research for the IT industry, partly in collaboration with our…

  • Ottawa LN Supports BBC Micro:bit In Schools

    Ottawa LN Supports BBC Micro:bit In Schools

    As we approached the end of last year we realised we had some funds remaining in our LN educational support budgets.  With gracious permission from HQ we blended the budget items together and contacted three local teachers to provide a modest set of BBC micro:bits to each school. This week we provided an introduction and training to three teachers who were running STEM teaching programs: Immaculata High School, Main Street, Ottawa  Programming, engineering, robotics Garneau High School, Rue Carriere, Orleans  Programming and engineering Mother Teresa School, Longfields drive, Barrhaven  Technology and programming We also linked with Steve Evraire, STEM Manager, Employer Connections program , Ottawa Network for Education Here is what we did, and the initial comments: We examined the sensor suite…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Smart Locks  Ottawa LN Meeting.

    Smart Locks Ottawa LN Meeting.

    Grant Lagimodiere, P.Eng. President of Intrepid provided an inciteful description of the development of IP addressable locks for detention centres. Although m any physical security technology  manufacturers had pushed IP to the edge  with their Ethernet ready devices by 2013, door locks were not one of them.  Benefits include r educed life-cycle costs.  . In 2013, Mr. Lagimodiere charted a course  to eliminate PLC’s by embedding the  control electronics into the locks  themselves thereby creating a “smart  lock”. Mr. Lagimodiere approached the  world’s largest producer of detention  grade locks - Southern Folger based in  San Antonio, Texas with the concept. And  so began a 4 year R&D effort to produce  the world’s most resilient PoE detention grade smart lock.  The R&D method was a blend betweent…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Yes! I Made It!

    Yes! I Made It!

    Hi, this is not my first time attending Asia Pacific Communities Volunteer Conference (AP CVC). I had attended a few CVCs since 2012. However, AP CVC 2017 is the most special and memorable to me. Because I had been asked to do a presentation :) Yup, I was asked to do a presentation on the topic of "Organizing a successful On Campus". Although this is a hard topic for me but I decided to challenge myself to take up this invitation. Yes! Finally, I made it! My presentation was video recorded. Click the following weblink to view my presentation:  https://communities.theiet.org/communities/videos/224/1982 . I hope my sharing is insightful and helpful to all IET volunteers on getting further knowledge on running a "successful" On Campus. A copy of my presentation slides is also attached with this…

    Matthew Teow
  • Everybody is exposed to cyber threats....

    Everybody is exposed to cyber threats....

    An audience of 45 people welcomed Dr Christopher Richardson, Head of Cyber Security Unit at Bournemouth Uni. Chris gave a thought provoking rather than technical lecture on our world today and the future. With the alarming security risks posed by threats today, how do we analyze the changes in the world and identify threats? Take the Wi-Fi security flaw KRACK which puts all wireless devices at risk ~ 20 billion devices could be hacked overnight (not just computers but mobile phones which also use wireless) Are people becomming more disconnected in this world of hyperconnectivity? The singularity (technology improving itself to surpass human intelligence) has the ability to help and harm human civilization so it is with good reason the national security strategy ranks cyber security as a tier…

    Anna Gilbert
  • IET NSW Annual Dinner 2017

    IET NSW Annual Dinner 2017

    The Annual Dinner 2017 was a very successful event with 105 attendees from various backgrounds:  universities students, academic, industries with companies such as Daikin (Platinum sponsor), Alchin Long (Gold Sponsor), Strand7 (FEA software) and Aurecon. Guest Speaker:  Kourosh Kayvani Guest speaker for the event is Dr Kourosh Kayvani , Global Director - Excellence & Expertise at Aurecon.  He has been named as one of the Top 100 most influential engineers in Australia, he has a career spanning over 25 years. His project portfolio includes Wembley Stadium in London; Sydney Olympics Hockey Stadium; Melbourne Star Observation Wheel; and Liberty Place and Martin Place in Sydney. Jack Finlay Award for Manufacturing Excellence was also presented at the dinner. Ediz Cetin, Chairman of the Network…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Project Management Training Courses With The IET

    Project Management Training Courses With The IET

    Undertaking a project in the workplace which needs to be completed on time and within budget can be somewhat daunting, leaving you wondering where to start. Project managers are in demand throughout the world and managing a project is a specialised and complex task which often cannot be carried out effectively without the appropriate training. Here at the IET we offer a variety of different courses around Project Management which range from a 1 hour e-class to a 5 day course. Below gives an overview of the different Project Management courses we offer:   Project Management Techniques – 2 day course This course provides you with a toolkit to successfully manage and deliver engineering and technology projects. You will be introduced to tools for handling the various aspects of project management…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Future of Cost Engineering

    Future of Cost Engineering

    I am looking forward to this event.  Both John and Essam are experts in their field and I am proud to say that they are associates of mine in my role as visiting academic at Cranfield University.  They have a wealth of experience in the field of cost engineering with particular past focus in the areas of Product Service Systems (PSS), Integrated Vehicle Health Management Services (IVHM), Through-life Engineering Services, and the cost engineering issues therein.  This should be a very informative evening.

    Louis Redding
  • Are Password Managers Safe Or Not?

    Are Password Managers Safe Or Not?

    Recently a change in password requirements for the main IET website sparked an interesting debate about password security. One thing that came up was the use of password managers and there was a bit of a debate about their security.   I myself have a password manager. I resisted for a long time as I was worried about their security- keeping all your passwords in one place doesn’t seem like a great idea but after a lot of research and A LOT of having to reset passwords because I kept forgetting them, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for one.   In terms of convenience there is no contest – they are much easier for dealing with passwords. No longer do I have to worry about remembering my passwords for sites, or store them insecurely in my browser. Just a couple of clicks (or not even that…

  • The WiFi Krack

    The WiFi Krack

    The WiFi Vulnerability gaining momentum today was to be expected as the limitations of WiFi security are a known topic. Just like DNS has its known flaws so does WiFi. WiFi encryption methods were built on WiFi security protocols such as wireless encryption protocol (WEP), WiFi protected access (WPA) and WPA2, where each encryption technique bettered its predecessor and though they contained flaws they were/are still used.  Encryption techniques and protocols will gain more focus and the well known TCP/IP ones are likely to become secondary to the new satellite wireless efforts emerging. In the meantime, your vendor is likely to have firmware or patch updates being prepared for Krack. The flaws of Wifi security was discussed very briefly within the paper Cryptography in 2016 - which can be…

  • Volunteer Opportunities for University Grade Students

    Volunteer Opportunities for University Grade Students

    “What? I don’t have time to do all that!” this phrase abruptly clicks in our mind whenever we encounter the word “Volunteer”. Actually, volunteer work is meant to be more than what most make it out to be. Convincing someone to step out for giving helping hand voluntarily to others is more important than telling him/her about the volunteer opportunities available over the globe. Let me first solve this riddle – whether volunteer work is beneficial or not, by mentioning “For every God-given goal, He gives grace to accomplish it”. The time you’ve spent so far in volunteer work is of little worth as compared to the generosity you manifested.   “The sun is never denied the light it gives; likewise, you are never denied the kindness you bestow.” The catalogue of the perks one enjoys during volunteerism…

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • IET Islamabad Young Professionals Network Volunteer Committee (2017 To 2019)

    IET Islamabad Young Professionals Network Volunteer Committee (2017 To 2019)

    Mr Muhammad Kashif Sattar BS RE  President  I   YPS Official Email Id:    iet.yps.islamabad@gmail.com Mr. Farhan Qurban MIET Secretary Mr Saifullah Amin BE RE MIET Honourary Secretary Mr. Syed Sadam ul Haq Treasurer Mr. Syed Meesum Haider Social Media & Online Manager Ms Amy Stokes Young Professionals Coordinator  (IET Staff at UK) 0044 (0)1438 767 603   I   youngprofessionals@theiet.org

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • The IET Cyprus Network - "Present Around the World" 2018 competition

    The IET Cyprus Network - "Present Around the World" 2018 competition

    The  IET Cyprus Network hosts its annual global competition for Young Professionals and Students within engineering to develop and showcase their presentation skills.   All you have to do is give a 10-minute presentation on an engineering or technology related subject, followed by a short question and answer session.   The  participants should be between 18 – 30 years of age to enter and is open to both IET members and non-members.   There are prizes for  the  winners and  the  runner ups and certificates for all participants.   To enter you will need to write a short abstract (maximum 1 side of A4 page) describing  the  proposed subject of your paper; your talk can be about anything related to  the  field of technology or engineering. All these must be in  the  English language.    You can…

    Alkis Spyrou
  • The IET Surrey Smart Meter Debate - September 2017

    The IET Surrey Smart Meter Debate - September 2017

    One of our pannelists, Dr David Greenwood, of EPSRC at Newcastle University wrote his own blog about our debate. It can be found on this link.

    Mike Prewett
  • Humans of the IET - Tynan Schweitzer

    Humans of the IET - Tynan Schweitzer

    Last week we met Dave , the incumbent IET YP co-chairperson. This week (tonight in fact) the deck is being shuffled and the committee is changing. I would like to take this chance to introduce myself and bid you, my readers, farewell as I will be moving on from Digital Marketing Officer. Please, let's meet me,  Tynan Schweitzer , coordinator of the IET YP Leadership Programme, Vice Chair of UWA IET On Campus, Digital Marketing Officer, and alumnus of the 2016 IET YP Leadership Programme. I am studying a double degree in Electrical Engineering and Organic Chemistry at the University of Western Australia and joined the IET because Career Hub said there was this thing called a Leadership Programme and I thought it would be fun. Why did you join the Committee? I thought you know what, this could…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Power Quality Monitoring - a recommended talk

    Power Quality Monitoring - a recommended talk

    David Bradley presented an excellent talk to Bucks LN and the local CIBSE branch in September.  The title was “Power Quality Monitoring”.  It was a lively, enthusiastic and well-informed talk on the causes of harmonics, and other perturbations, either received from or injected onto public power supplies.  David explained that monitoring systems can be quickly and inexpensively installed.  He emphasised that the information gathered may be used not only reduce harmonics & noise but also to save money.   Amongst other aspects of the topic, he looked at the problems being encountered from the extensive use of switched mode supplies.  These problems include loads increasingly being leading, rather than lagging, and the impact of skin effects on the sizing of neutral conductors.  David’s talk was…

    Andrew Dodd
  • UWA Students Shine In #PATW18!

    UWA Students Shine In #PATW18!

    We are beyond thrilled to be the first local network (LN) in the world to kick-start the 2017/18 series of IET flagship event, Present Around The World ! The competition is organised by our capable Leadership Program candidates (Mitch, Nathan, Justin, Allison, Min, and Ella) led by their mentor, Allaine Lopez. The event was a successful one, attended by students from all four universities in Western Australia, industry reps and of course our 6 highly capable presenters. We have also lived streamed all six presentations through our Facebook page . This year, The University of Western Australia (UWA) students shone brightly in the competition. Brooke Krajancich (right) took home the grand prize of CHAMPION for PATW Western Australia Final AND People's Choice Award. Brooke is a current 4th year…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Speaker Highlight - Keynote for the Early Career Professionals Best Railway Paper 2017

    Speaker Highlight - Keynote for the Early Career Professionals Best Railway Paper 2017

    Join us at the  Early Career Professionals Best Railway Paper 2017   on 16th November 2017 and hear from industry expert Stephen who will be aiming his talk at YPs specifically and speaking on:  Crossrail 2 Crossrail 2 will be the next major rail project in London, providing new capacity and connectivity in the 2030s.  This event will consider: How is it similar to Crossrail 1 (the Elizabeth line)? How is it different? What could we learn from Crossrail 1 and other recent projects? What is it like being an engineer on a project in the early stages of development? Speaker Biography Stephen Dapré CEng MIET MIRSE is a Signalling Design Group Manager in Network Rail’s Infrastructure Design Group. He is currently leading a multidiscipline team (with a mix of NR and consultants) designing the “On…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • London Digital Security Centre Takes (LDSC) Over Chelsea FC.

    London Digital Security Centre Takes (LDSC) Over Chelsea FC.

    As part of Digital Leaders Cyber Resilience Week the London Digital Security Centre in partnership with The London Fraud Forum hosted a conference at Chelsea FC in London discussing how businesses in the digital age can adapt to secure their platforms. The sessions were extremely interactive and allowed discussion of trending themes in cyber security to be explored. Leaders and Chiefs talked about how lack of ownership of risks can lead to embarrassing situations during times of compromise. It was also discussed that almost 50% of all crimes reported in the UK are now digital crimes as most people are living their lives online. More importantly, 80% of all reported crimes were preventable ! Phishing exploits was the common threat vector reported by organisations which is why it was recommended…

    Rimesh Patel
  • ARM - an introduction to its Business Model and IP creation process Event Review

    ARM - an introduction to its Business Model and IP creation process Event Review

    The following is a review of the "ARM - an introduction to its Business Model and IP creation process" Event held on Thursday 5th October 2017 at UTC Reading The speaker was   Jon Black Principal Engineer Jon presented an excellent lecture on the history of Arm from the early days of the Acorn Archimides through to the large range of devices sold in the present day.   The figures presented showed just what ARM have achieved over its 25 year life.   In 2016 17 billion devices were shipped worldwide, ranging from ultra small low powered devices for the IoT (Internet of Things) market through to large scale clusters of processors used for server type applications.   In their 25 year history, 100 billion devices have been shipped by their many business partners. Jon explained ARM’s business model…

    Andrew Stickland